How To Play With Friends In Enshrouded

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Enshrouded can be played solo, as well as with a group of friends. Rather than trekking through Embervale alone, you can team up with friends, which can potentially make the journey a bit easier, and a little less lonely.


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If you are looking to play with others, there is a bit of setting up that you will need to do. Thankfully, it’s not too detailed or confusing. In this guide, we are going to go over how to set up a server and play with friends.

Enshrouded is currently in Early Access on Steam and as such, the content is subject to change. We will update these articles as required.

Server Options

enshrouded server options

There are three different options to choose from when you first start a game. These can be found below, along with their in-game description.

Play Option


Player Count


Start a private game, saved locally



Start a public game, saved locally

Up to 16


Join an online game

Up to 16

If you are looking to play by yourself, you just need to select ‘Private’. This will create a world just for you.

How To Host A Server

enshrouded game settings for hosting

Hosting a game that is saved locally means that you are in control of the server. When you are online, others can join, but if you log out, the server will be inactive. Hosted servers can then be joined by your friends from the ‘Join’ menu.

Servers can hold up to 16 people, but you can reduce this down to two people. Hosting a server with 16 people can be quite taxing on your computer. We suggest keeping the player count lower if you don’t have a fast PC.

How To Buy A Dedicated Server

enshrouded gportal icon on server selection screen

From the Hosting menu, you will see an icon in the corner with the text, “Get your own server”. This refers to dedicated servers, which are not ran on your computer. Instead, you are essentially buying server space through GPortal.

enshrouded server purchase option through GPortal

Clicking the icon will take you to the GPortal site, with server options. You can choose the duration of the server, with the default being 30 days.

While making a dedicated server, you will also need to choose the server location. Due to Enshrouded’s recent launch, many server locations were sold out at the time of writing this guide.

These servers are active 24/7; the host does not need to be online for others to play.

How To Join A Game

enshrouded joining a server screen

The ‘Join’ option is for those who don’t want to set up the server. Head here if there is a server that a friend has set up. In the menu, you can filter servers by ones that your Steam friends have set up. Alternatively, you can search for the name of the server directly.

If the server is password protected, you will first need to type in the password before joining. If not, then press join and you can start playing.

Can You Turn A Private World Into A Multiplayer Server?

enshrouded player sitting at campfire

After creating a private world, you will be able to open it up to other players. If you have an established private world, click on the ‘Host’ option.

This works in reverse too. If you have a multiplayer server that you want to convert to single-player, simply head to the ‘Private’ option and select it here.

Here, you will see the server, along with the option to reduce/increase the player count. Remember, once you press start, you will be prompted to enter a password if you want to. If not, press start, and you are good to go!


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