Dedicated Server Hosting – Kinsta®

Dedicated Server Hosting – Kinsta®

How Much Does a Dedicated Server Cost?

The short answer is it depends. Pricing varies depending on:

  • Resources needed for your site.
  • Amount of traffic expected.
  • The data center location where your site is hosted.

Our team will need this information, along with some other details, to provide a recommendation for a dedicated server.

Important Dedicated Server Information

  • The Dedicated Server subscription is separate from your hosting plan and the first month of the Dedicated Server subscription is non-refundable. The hosting plan itself is eligible for our normal refund policy.
  • Your current hosting plan at Kinsta needs to be active and have enough visits and disk space for all sites on your plan.
  • If you anticipate an increase in traffic and this is your reason for purchasing a dedicated server, make sure your current plan is large enough for that increase. If not, you’ll need to upgrade your plan first.
    For example, if you’re currently on a Business 1 plan (100,000 visits/month) and expect your site to receive 1,000,000 visitors, you’ll want to upgrade to at least an Enterprise 2 plan that supports 1,500,000 visits/month.
  • Our team’s recommendations are based purely on the data provided and from visiting the site. We do not provide consultation services on how to improve performance or find bottlenecks.
  • Adding a dedicated server to an account does not assure the site will support the intended traffic. Consideration should still be made for how well the site caches, how well optimized the code is, and how much traffic is expected.
  • You can request a server with greater or fewer resources based on how you prefer to move forward.

Dedicated Server Checklist

  • Is the dedicated server for normal traffic or to handle an increase in traffic during a short-term event?
  • If the dedicated server is for a short-term event, when will the event start and end?
  • What is the URL of the site?
  • Does most incoming traffic arrive at a specific page? If so, what page?
  • What is the maximum number of concurrent users you expect during peak usage?
  • What average page view duration do you expect during peak usage (“Average time on page” in Google Analytics)?
  • What is the average number of page views per visitor you expect during peak usage?
  • How would you describe your site? Is it primarily an ecommerce site? Do you offer an online course? Is it a membership site? Is it a news website?
  • How will a typical visitor use the site? For example, will they reach a landing page, select a product, and check out? Will they log into the website, select a course, and complete the course by watching videos and reading copy, or something else?
  • If your site is an ecommerce site, requires users to log in, or allows visitors to post content other than comments (like a forum, for example), what plugins are you using for these interactive features (e.g. WooCommerce, BuddyPress, bbPress, Easy Digital Downloads, LearnDash, etc.)?
  • Is your site a standard WordPress installation, or is it a multisite installation?

If there’s any additional information you think we should know, please include that with your request.

How to Purchase a Dedicated Server

Gather the information requested in the previous section as early as possible. A dedicated server takes time to provision and configure, so it’s crucial that you contact our Account Management team to start the process as early as possible.

Once you have those details, open a new ticket with our Account Management team. They’ll be in touch to provide a quote for your dedicated server.

After you approve the quote and pay for the first month of service, our team will need up to 3 business days to configure the dedicated server. Once it’s ready, our team will coordinate with you to move your site container to the dedicated server.


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