Steam dedicated server hosted on cloud servers are not joinable – Multiplayer & Networking

Steam dedicated server hosted on cloud servers are not joinable – Multiplayer & Networking

Hey all,

We are using Unreal Engine 5.0.3 and we are having some issues with hosting our dedicated server with Steam on cloud servers.

We were able to confirm that our server is working when ran without our cloud solution (PlayFab). We can connect to it and the server logs says “NotifyAcceptingConnection” after which it connects.

When the server is hosted on PlayFab, it is visible in the Steam server browser, but we are unable to connect to it. The server acknowledges the connection request, but it provides no logs for a while and then just times out. No “NotifyAcceptingConnection” logs can be seen.

Does someone maybe have more experience with hosting Unreal Engine Steam-based dedicated servers on the cloud and could share if we are missing some extra setup for being able to host it on the cloud?
Here are the logs for both the non-cloud (where connecting works) and the cloud version (where it seems to timeout.)
Non-PlayFab.log (40.6 KB)
PlayFab.txt (35.1 KB)

We notice that when it works it produces the following logs:

LogOnline: STEAM: Adding P2P connection information with user 76561197973227545 (Name: UNKNOWN [0x110000100C5C819])
LogNet: NotifyAcceptingConnection accepted from: 76561197973227545:7777
LogNet: NotifyAcceptingConnection accepted from: 76561197973227545:7777
LogNet: NotifyAcceptingConnection accepted from: 76561197973227545:7777
LogNet: NotifyAcceptingConnection accepted from: 76561197973227545:7777
LogNet: NotifyAcceptingConnection accepted from: 76561197973227545:7777
LogNet: NotifyAcceptingConnection accepted from: 76561197973227545:7777
LogNet: Server accepting post-challenge connection from: 76561197973227545:7777

And when it doesn’t work:

LogOnline: STEAM: Adding P2P connection information with user 76561197973227545 (Name: UNKNOWN [0x110000100C5C819])
LogOnline: STEAM: Removing P2P Session Id: UNKNOWN [0x110000100C5C819], Channel: -1, IdleTime: 81.611
LogOnline: STEAM: Closing all communications with user 76561197973227545
LogOnline: STEAM: 76561197973227545 has been removed.

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Did you find any solution? I have the same problem, it is reported on several forums that Steam Sessions are broken from version 4.27 to 5.1 .

No, unfortunately not. It’s only a problem when we use PlayFab, though. When we try hosting it ourselves we can connect to each other successfully via Steam.

I have same problem on PlayFab. I could connect Linux server without Steam successfully. But I can’t connect with Steam enabled. I’ve added and SSL certificates on build file. Now I’m trying connect without SteamSocketsPlugin. I’m so close ^^

Yes, I could connect Dedicated Server without SteamSocketsPlugin. ( in Editor, not shipping ) But I want my game to use both P2P and Dedicated Server support. I need to figure it out this issue now :stuck_out_tongue:

Hi, where you put the

LinuxServerGameNameBinariesLinux. But it has to be 64bit .so file, not 32. I produce this file from here: link. @zxc6114

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