Joomla Dedicated Server From Oxtrys – Best CMS

Joomla Dedicated Server From Oxtrys – Best CMS

Unparalleled Performance

Oxtrys’ Joomla dedicated servers are built to deliver exceptional performance, ensuring that Joomla websites operate seamlessly and efficiently. These servers provide dedicated resources, including processing power, memory, and storage, eliminating the challenges associated with shared hosting. By means of using Oxtrys’ effective infrastructure, website owners can experience faster page loading, improved response instances, and the ability to address excessive levels of visitors without compromising overall performance.

Scalability and Flexibility

Oxtrys’ Joomla dedicated servers offer scalability and flexibility, allowing websites to adapt to changing needs. As a website grows and attracts more visitors, it may require additional resources to maintain optimal performance. Oxtrys makes it easy to upgrade server specifications, ensuring that Joomla websites can handle increased traffic and demands. This scalability feature eliminates concerns about outgrowing the hosting environment and provides the necessary flexibility to accommodate evolving requirements.

Enhanced Security

Security is a critical aspect of any website, and Oxtrys understands the importance of safeguarding Joomla-powered sites. Their dedicated servers employ robust security measures to protect websites from potential threats and vulnerabilities. With features such as firewalls, DDoS protection, malware scanning, and regular security updates, Oxtrys ensures that Joomla websites hosted on their servers remain secure and shielded against unauthorized access or malicious attacks. By implementing proactive security protocols, Oxtrys instills confidence in website owners, allowing them to focus on their Joomla development and content management tasks.

Reliable Support

Oxtrys provides reliable customer support to address any technical issues or concerns promptly. Their team of hosting experts possesses in-depth knowledge of Joomla and server management, offering assistance and guidance whenever required. Whether it’s resolving server-related queries, optimizing server configurations, or troubleshooting website issues, Oxtrys’ support team ensures a seamless hosting experience for Joomla users. This level of support contributes to a hassle-free hosting environment and allows website owners to concentrate on building their Joomla websites without worrying about server-related complexities.

Competitive Pricing

Oxtrys understands the importance of cost-effectiveness, particularly for website owners with budgetary constraints. Their Joomla dedicated servers offer competitive pricing plans that strike a balance between high-performance hosting and affordability. With transparent pricing structures and flexible payment options, Oxtrys aims to make robust dedicated hosting accessible to Joomla users, regardless of their budgetary considerations.

Oxtrys’ Joomla dedicated servers provide a reliable hosting solution for Joomla-powered websites, offering unparalleled performance, scalability, security, and support. By leveraging the power of dedicated resources and robust infrastructure, Oxtrys empowers Joomla users to maximize their website’s potential while ensuring a seamless user experience. Whether it’s a small business website or a large-scale Joomla-based enterprise platform, Oxtrys’ Joomla dedicated servers deliver the necessary performance and security features to help websites thrive in today’s digital landscape.

Steps to install Joomla on Dedicated server

To install Joomla on a dedicated server, follow these steps:

Step 1: Server Preparation

1. Make sure that your dedicated server meets the minimum gadget requirements for running Joomla. These requirements normally encompass a web server (including Apache or Nginx), a database server (such as MySQL or MariaDB), and PHP.

2. Installation and configure the important software program additives for your server. This can involve setting up the internet server, putting in the database server, and configuring a personal home page with the specified extensions. Seek advice from the documentation of your server’s operating system and software for precise commands.

Step 2: Download Joomla

1. Visit the reliable Joomla website and navigate to the “download Joomla” phase.

2. Download the modern-day stable model of Joomla. Choose the installation package deal that corresponds to your server’s working system and architecture (e.G., .Zip or .Tar.Gz).

Step 3: Upload Joomla Files

1. Access your dedicated server with the usage of a safe file transfer protocol (FTP) patron or a document supervisor furnished by means of your website hosting company.

2. Add the Joomla set-up package deal to a directory for your server. You may select to upload it to the root directory or create a subdirectory especially for your Joomla set-up.

3. Extract the contents of the Joomla installation bundle at the server. This could normally be finished via right-clicking at the bundle file and choosing “Extract” or using a command-line application like “unzip” or “tar”.

Step 4: Create a Database

1. Get access to your server’s database manipulation tool (e.g., phpMyAdmin or MySQL command line) and create a brand new database for your Joomla set-up. Pay attention to the database call, username, and password.

Step 5: Joomla Installation

1. Open a web browser and navigate to the URL where you uploaded the Joomla files.

2. The Joomla installation wizard will start. Choose your chosen language and click on the “next” button.

3. The pre-set-up test will verify if your server meets the requirements for running Joomla. Resolve any problems which are flagged, if relevant.

4. Enter the database information you created in Step 4, along with the database type, hostname, username, password, and database call. Click “next” to proceed.

5. Offer a call to your Joomla website online and enter the favoured website settings, inclusive of the website description, admin e-mail, username, and password. It’s miles critical to pick out a strong password for the administrator account.

6. Select any additional pattern facts or extensions you desire to put in or depart from the default settings. Click “next” to preserve.

7. Review the setup precis to make sure all the records are accurate. Click “install” to begin the Joomla set-up technique.

8. As soon as the set-up is complete, eliminate the installation directory from your server for security functions.

Step 6: Joomla Configuration

1. Access the administrative backend of your Joomla site by appending “/administrator” to your site’s URL (e.g.,

2. Log in the use of the administrator username and password you place at some point of the installation.

3. Configure the website online settings, along with the website online call, description, and any extra possibilities to fit your wishes.

4. Customize the appearance and functionality of your Joomla site by installing templates, extensions, and modules from the Joomla Extensions Directory (JED) or other trusted sources.

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