Conan Exiles Dedicated Server Launcher (Official Version: 1.7.2 / Beta: —-) – PC Servers & Clans

Our Tools Programmer Mickaël put together a tool to let you more easily set up and run a dedicated Conan Exiles server. After a few rounds of iterating, we wanted to make this tool available to you guys for testing and feedback. We also made this walkthrough to, hopefully, make the tool easy to understand.

Please post any feedback you have about this tool in this thread so we can improve it.

The Dedicated Server Launcher is a small utility program designed to make it easier for players to run their own Conan Exiles Dedicated Server. Please don’t be scared by the length of the guide – we’re just being thorough!

Common hurdles this app helps with are:

  • Deployment of server updates by transparently calling SteamCMD without having to deal with command line parameters
  • Deployment and update of mods from the steam workshop
  • Providing a simplified user interface to easily edit the core parameters required to get a server visible for other players (name, passwords, region, player limits, etc.)
  • Providing easy to copy-paste parameters to simplify the configuration of the router or internet gateway (as well as check if the server can actually be reached from the internet)
  • Providing easy access to the game server logs and configuration files

Here is what the tool looks like when it’s running:


The installation is fairly simple!

  • You can either download
    • The current official version: 1.7.2 (released 30 june 2023).
    • The latest beta version: 1.7.2 (released 30 june 2023).

(Basically the latest version contains all the new features being added and tested, but potentially bugs, so if you just want something “that just works”, use the official version. When reporting issues, please specify which version you are using. Also, ideally, the file should be in its own folder on a disk with enough space to host the unpacked SteamCMD installation and associated game server (about 2 gigabytes at the moment).)

  • Put the executable anywhere you want on your computer, ideally in a folder directly at the base of a drive (like C:ExilesServer) avoiding locations that have fancy characters or tabs in the path, or special locations like the desktop or places with special access rights.

  • Run the program and edit the parameters you want, save the changes

  • Press the big button at the bottom right to start the server

At this point the tool will automatically install and update SteamCMD, which will then download the game server program as well as any mod you have specified.

NOTE: Upgrading to a new version is just a matter of having the new executable at the same location as the old one, they should be compatible. So, in case you encounter an issue with a more recent version, just go to the history section and download the previous one.

NOTE #2: You probably want to enable “Start server if not running” as well as “Launch program on login” (in the Preferences menu) if you want your server to automatically restart even if the machine reboots.


The Server Settings section of the UI allows you to modify the critical parameters of your server without having to actually run it, including which branch, name, region, and passwords you want it to use.

Some notes:

  • Regarding the Branch: Please make sure you are using the same Branch as your players, and with the same installed version
  • The Server Name will appear in the server browser, so try to find something descriptive but reasonably unique!
  • The Server Password is optional. If you omit it, then anyone will be able to connect to the server
  • The Admin Password is what you use with the “MakeMeAdmin” command in the game to access the Admin Control Panel
  • The Player Count defines how many players can be running the game at the same time, this has a direct impact on performance: Your Core 2 laptop with a 5400 RPM hard drive and 4 gigs of ram will most probably not run 40 players very smoothly – if at all.

You can easily share the connection information with your friends by clicking the “Copy Connection Information” button. This is what the copy/paste would look like:

Name: My server is really awesome
IP: 195.410.28.64
Password: 9112
Code Version: 98222/17925 (default branch)

Remember that external clients will need to connect on the External IP, your machine local network ip is only valid on your side of the router, your friends can’t access it!

NOTE: If you only wish to play on your home network, without anyone accessing from the outside, you can just bypass all the network port forwarding, and instead of using the External IP you can use the Local IP of the server, which in Steam you can find by looking in the Steam (Top Menu) > View > Servers > LAN to find the locally running server and launch the game from there.


If you want to run multiple servers on the same machine, each of them needs to be in a separate folder, use a different set of ports, and have the router/modem correctly route the external port to the correct local port on the computer running the servers.

(Similarly, if you want to run a game server and a game client on the same machine, they should be using different ports, if you keep the default ports 7777 and 2715 the first launched executable will lock the ports, and the other will not be able to access them).

How this works:

  • The “Game Client Port” and the “Steam Query Port” are now editable, and their content gets saved in the Engine.ini:

  • A new “multihome” checkbox has been added. When disabled, the server launcher behaves as before, but when enabled it copies the IP of the currently selected adapter in the network list and uses it as a command-line parameter when launching the server (eg: -MULTIHOME=195.410.28.64)


How this works:
A new UI element has been added, allowing the user to enter a list of mods they want to run on the server.

The “Mod List” entry accepts two types of values

  • An actual numerical value like ‘860241645’ or ‘1422434062’ (which are the workshop identifiers on steam for ‘PauseOnEsc.pak’ and ‘ServerCore_hades.pak’)
  • A full path pointing to a PAK file present on the user computer

Note: For convenience, the edit field has been tricked out to detect when the user pastes a link from the Steam Community page: If for example, the user pastes ‘Steam Workshop::LowerMonsterHPSolo’ the edit field will only copy the ‘1382120864’ part of the link.

Note: The “light” bulbs are not 100% foolproof, but if it turns red there’s definitely an issue, possibly the path to the PAK file cannot be accessed, or you have non-numerical entries.

When you are done adding the mods, remember to press Save Changes.

When starting the server, the system will as usual run SteamCMD to check for any updates, but it will also try to update any of the numerical ids mods (it will skip any of the local ones referenced by path), and when the update is done a brand new “modlist.txt” will be generated in the ‘conanexilesdedicatedserverConanSandboxMods’ subfolder.

You can validate that the mods are correctly found by the server by looking at the top of the servers logs where you should see something similar to this:

The DedicatedServerLauncher stores the information about which mods to install in the ServerSettings.ini file in a new ‘DedicatedServerLauncherModList’ entry:

If the combo a the top is set to “Auto-Check for Updates and Restart” the tool will then check every few minutes (as specified in the time selector on the right side of the combo) if a new version of the Game Server executable or mods have been published, in which case it will start a delayed restart operation after notifying players through RCon and Discord (if these have been setup).

You can also manually check for updates by clicking on the [?] button.

The only supported Rcon feature so far is the ability to broadcast messages to all your connected players, but it should make it easier for you to set up the server to use any of the other Rcon clients.

The Broadcast/Server selector (1.0.46) allows you to choose between the default Conan Exiles implementation showing a block message box (“broadcast”) or the new “server” command provided by the Pippi mod which writes the messages in the chat window instead.

You can read more about it here: Rcon – Official Conan Exiles Wiki

Note: RCON is using TCP for communication, not UDP, so be careful when doing the network configuration


In the same way, messages can be sent to players through RCon broadcast messages, it is also possible to send information to a Discord channel of your choice using the Webhooks API.

You can read about it on

Basically you need to add a Webhook to one of your channels on a Discord server and copy the URL provided by Discord in the URLs field of the Launcher.

By default, the messages will be displayed using the name of the Bot defined in Discord, but you can override that by entering a string in the Nick input field.

The Timestamp checkbox is there to force Discord to display the time on which each message was received, which can be useful if multiple messages are sent without anyone else speaking in the meantime _(when the messages are grouped they only have the timestamp of the first message).


The auto-restart functionality uses the following UI elements:

  • A menu option in the preferences to allow the tool to automatically start with the computer session
  • A checkbox which defines if the auto-restart is enabled or not
  • A checkbox which defines if the tool should restart the server in the events it stops by itself
  • A 24 hours time selection control used to define the time of the day when the server will restart (default is 6 AM)
  • A 24 hours time selection control used to define the minimum uptime of the server before a restart (default is 2 hours)
  • A numerical edit field, defining how many times per day the server should restart

The rationale for the uptime is that if for some reason you had to do some maintenance on the server, change some settings and restart it, you probably don’t want the system to restart it a couple of minutes or hours later just because that was the planned restart time.

Important: The Auto-Restart feature normally sends messages and waits for some amount of time before proceeding to restart, but if no players are currently connected then the Dedicated Server Launcher will not wait and immediately restart the server. This only works if the LogServerStats are enabled. If you disable the LogServerStats, the launcher will not know that there are any players on the server, and it will never wait, even if you have players currently on the server


The Dedicated Server Launcher contains a tiny web server which is used to manage a minimalistic web page which can be used to check the status of the server and do a few operations such as starting, stopping and restarting it.

You can refer to this post which contains many screenshots for more details, but the core of the thing is:

  • Have a port value for the “Web Page Port” (default is the HTTP port 80)
  • Choose a password in the “Web Page” section
  • Enable the check-box in the same section

At that point you should be able to open a browser on your local network pointing to the IP of your server and see a simple web page with “Dedicated Server Launcher x.y.z” title.

If you want to access this page from outside your network, you need to port forward the web port similarly to what you did for the other ports used by the server.

You can improve the appearance of the page by adding a “html” folder inside the “DedicatedServerLauncher” folder created by the launcher (where “steamcmd.exe” is located).

If this folder exists, the “favicon.ico” and “style.css” will be loaded from there, allowing for custom looking web status pages


You can also use the three warming messages to automatically send a message to all the connected players:

  • Rcon needs to be enabled (with a valid password, port, etc…)
  • The time is the number of hours or minutes relative to the expected restart time

Note that since the delay accepts up to a 24 hours range, you can creatively use the feature to inform your players of regular events, advertise things, etc… the only limit is your imagination and the amount of bugs you may find when playing with it.

Messages can also contain “macros”, which are symbols that get expanded when displayed.
As of now there are only two available macros, but they are practical to send useful information to the players:

  • {servername} – expanded to what you have set up in the Server Name field
  • {steamconnect} – expanded to a connection string players can click on to connect
  • {steamconnect_nopassword} – same thing, but without the password being displayed
  • {reason} – expanded to display the reason for the server restart (mod update, automated, etc…)
  • {ip} – replaced by the external IP address of the server
  • {game_port} – replaced by the value of the game port
  • {steam_port} – replaced by the value of the steam query port
  • {rcon_port} – replaced by the value of the rcon port
  • {server_password} – replaced by the server password
  • {admin_password} – replaced by the admin password (beware!)
  • {rcon_password} – replaced by the rcon password (beware!)

Example setting the “Ready” message to:

The {servername}’s server is now open, please join on {steamconnect}

will allow your Discord player to see the following clickable message:

The Toolguy’s server is now open, please join on steam://connect/

Remember: The message sending feature requires Rcon and/or Discord WebHook to be enabled!


When enabled using the checkbox, the tool will make sure to make a copy of the most important files each time the server got shutdown (automatically or not), which should allow you to revert back to a usable state if for some reason something broke.

Each backup is stored in a separate folder with a timestamp for the day, containing subfolders for each restart happening that day, and contains the gamedb file, the last log file, and the three ini files usually modified by the tool (game, engine and server settings).

You can use the limiting option to only keep a certain number of days.

Since version 1.2.3 of the Dedicated Server Launcher, the backup feature is now able to backup any valid game database such as game.db (the base game), DLC_Siptah.db (from the new “Isle of Siptah’ DLC), or even player made maps with their own dbs. The only constraint is that the name should not finish by a number preceded by a underscore (so: “mygame_23.db” will not be backed-up)

Note: There was a typo in the naming of the option in version 1.0.13, so if you had set-up the backup trimming option and update to 1.0.14 or later, you need to re-enter the values.


Thanks to the options in the Performance section you can tweak how the processor(s) of your machines are going to be used by your game server, which can be useful if you want to run more than one game server on the same physical machine, or if for example, you need to run at the same time some software that conflicts with your game server.

By default, the game server process is running at normal priority, but you can use the combo selector to select alternatively “above normal” or even “high priority”. Please note that this is not magic, so if you increase the priority of the server, it means any other process on the machine is going to have a lower priority, which in certain cases can cause issues.

The “-useallavailablecores” checkbox’s only purpose is to add this actual option to the command line parameters given to the server when it is started. What it actually does is shrouded in mystery, but it does something inside the Unreal Engine. Feel free to play with the option

The 32 checkboxes… are used to indicate which processor cores should be ideally used by the game server. This is mostly useful if you have multiple servers running on the same machine so you can give them the best performance setup instead of letting Windows guess what would work. 32 cores should be good enough for recent ThreadRipper machines… if you happen to have 64 cpus, I guess I’ll have to find a better solution

Normally, you should be able to edit priority and affinity in the Server Launcher UI, in the ini file, or in the windows task manager, and it all should stay in sync as long as you keep the values valid: If you try to set non-existing core values in the “.ini” file, nothing will crash but most probably neither Windows or the DSL will show something consistent.


The biggest hurdle when trying to set up a game server is to be able to access the internally hosted machine from the outside world.

By default, your networking equipment and software (routers, modems, ISP, and firewalls) are trying to protect you from the outside.

When trying to run a server, it means that you need to inform all these protection layers that you do wish to receive network packets coming from specific sources on specific ports. You also need to inform these systems about which of your machines should receive these packets.

This is called “Port Forwarding”.


Setting up Port Forwarding may differ based on the models and brands of routers and modems. However, they all use the same basic model where you select some input ports and redirect them to some specific machine on your internal network.

For example, here is what it looks like using AsusWRT (on an Asus RT-N66U):

You should enable port forwarding for BOTH UDP and TCP protocols.


Technically speaking, you do not need to set up static IPs on your network to have the system working.

It is, however, possible that if you reboot your server machine or for some reason need to reboot your router, the game server may receive a new IP address. This address could be different from the one you have set up for port forwarding.

You can generally assign a fixed IP on your local network by selecting a specific network card (generally identified by its MAC or Hardware Address) and assign to it the IP number you want.

You can use the information provided by the Dedicated Server Launcher “Networking” part to copy the network card address into your clipboard.


If despite everything you still cannot get through, make sure that you do not have a firewall somewhere configured to block everything.

If you have to use a Firewall, make sure you add Inbound rules for each of the ports (Game Client, Raw UDP, Steam Query – and eventually Rcon if you want to use it) to allow incoming traffic, both on TCP and UDP.


IF you are having problems, please check this list:

The Dedicated Server Launcher is crashing/exiting

  • Check if there is anything strange in the DedicatedServerLauncher*.txt log files
  • Check if there are some crash dumps (.dmp files) in the folder
  • In any case, we are interested in hearing about that, so please let us know here on the forums.

I can’t join my own server, but others can

  • For the machines on the same local network, try to Direct Connect using the local IP of the server instead of the external IP

Players can’t see the server

  • Do you get three green lights if you click on “Test Port Accessibility”?
  • Are the players using the same branch as your server (default/test live)?
  • Are the players using the same version as your server (one could be updated and not the other)?
  • In the server list, if the server is running with some mods, make sure the “Show modded servers” checkbox in the upper right is checked.

The server is super slow

Mod updates are not properly detected

There are multiple things that can make the mod/server update to fail, but the most common one is a misconfiguration of the server time and date:

  • Use SNTP (Simple Network Time Protocol), also called “Internet Time” so it’s properly updated automatically based on some ultra accurate Atomic Clock somewhere else in the world
  • Making sure you selected the right time zone and correct DST (Daylight Saving Time) settings

The server stops and exits soon after starting

Again, there are many possible issues, one being the server not being able to access to the network ports in needs, either because they are already in use by another application, or because you had a typo on your manually entered IPs (ex: MULTIHOME value).

Check your server logs for network-related errors such as:

  • LogNet:Error: Ping socket bind at failed
  • LogOnline:Error: Failed to bind listen socket to addr ( for LAN beacon

or any similar mentioning “Error:” and “socket” or “LAN”

Authentication failure error message

In order to properly authenticate on the Funcom Live Services, the server machine needs to have TLS 1.2 enabled in the Internet Options.

This is normally the default setting on Windows 10 and later, but if you are repurposing an old Windows 7 machine for example, you have to make sure this option may is enabled.


If you already have a server, configured without using the Dedicated Server Launcher, you can’t reuse it directly, but importing your changes is quite easy to do: All you need is to copy/overwrite the “.ini” files, dbfiles, logs, etc… from the other server folder, it should just work™.

So basically the idea is:

  • You put the DedicatedServerLauncher executable somewhere
  • You install the default server with the tool
  • You locate the location of the Saved/Config folder by clicking the blue icon at the bottom left
  • You overwrite whatever is there with the files from your old server configuration

I may be missing something, but that’s the crux of it.

Normally the tool should pick up all the changes immediately and they should be reflected in the UI.


Q: How much disk space do I need?

A: At this time, the server install uses about 1.8 gigabytes. We recommend at least 2+ gigs to be safe, as this accounts for your game database and log file sizes increasing, and such.

Q: Do I need to keep the Dedicated Server Launcher running at all time?

A: No, the Dedicated Server Launcher is just a helping hand, that’s why the SteamCMD and Game Server windows are fully visible outside the UI: You can close the launcher as soon as your server is running.

(That being said, the automated server restart features will only work if the tool is running.)

Q: The Server List does not show my Server

A: The Server List, both in Steam and in the game is using the same data, which unfortunately is not able to handle the very large number of Conan Exiles servers. The system uses some kind of priority matching to select what to show, based on how long the server has existed, been running, etc… plus some internal limits, etc… the bottom line is: It’s not because your server does not appear in the list that your server is not working fine, using Direct Connect or a Stream Link would just work fine.

Q: Where are the settings saved?

A: The Dedicated Server Launcher is using the game server .ini files (in ConanSandboxSavedConfigWindowsServer) to store everything it needs, there are no other configuration files or registry parameters.

Q: I’m running out of disk space, can I move my server without losing anything?

A: As long as you make sure that the Launcher, SteamCMD and the game server are not running, you can rename the folder, move it to another drive, or even move it to another computer (remember to check the network accessibility). You can also copy the entire folder for backup.

Q: Will the tool update my mods automatically?

A: Only the ones entered as numerical workshop identifiers. The ones you downloaded manually and put in a folder will not be updated.

Q: Errors when updating mods

A: If your mods stop being updated, and SteamCMD displays errors such as ‘srccommoncontentmanifest.cpp (650) : Assertion Failed: !m_bIsFinalized’ then you are probably a victim of the SteamCMD bug which has been reported by many people for many games.

Some people are saying that deleting the appmanifest_xxxxx.acf in the steam apps folder fixes it, but some other people are reporting that the fix did not work for them…

Q: Errors ’ entry point ?IsAlive@CThread@@QEBA_NXZ could not be located’

A: If you receive this error (The procedure entry point ?IsAlive@CThread@@QEBA_NXZ could not be located in the dynamic link library) when starting the server, it probably means that that Steam client is running.

If you shut down the Steam client, then run the server, the problem should not happen. You can restart the Steam client after that and it should work fine.

It’s obviously something we should try to fix, but apparently it happens with other Unreal based game servers, so that may not be trivial to fix.

Q: Can I play Conan Exiles on the machine that hosts my server?

A: It is a little bit of a hit-or-miss situation, it works for some people and fail for other, but the idea is to make sure that the client and server are not using the same ports, so instead of the default 7777, 7778 and 27015 you may want to try to change the server to use 7779, 7780 and 27016 (with obviously the proper port forwarding rules on your router)

Q: Will the tool source code be available?

A: Most probably not: Technically there’s nothing confidential or very important in the tool code itself, but it relies on decades of code developed for multiple projects, including some third party code we would not be allowed to release. Sorry.

Q: Can this tool be used to manage Xbox or PS4 servers?

A: We are unfortunately not allowed by game console publishers to release server executable to the public. (I guess they probably fear that they could be hacked and allow people to play online without having the right subscription level.)

Q: The server is complaining about the DirectX and VC 2015 Runtimes

A: If you get an error dialog about Direct X and Visual Studio C++2015 runtimes being missing, just try to download and install the UE4 Prerequisites file.

Q: What do I need to do so that the server restarts at 19:30, 02:00 and 10:00?

A: Well, you can’t have these exact values, but you can approximate.

Basically you have two parameters:

  • The reference hour for one of the restarts
  • The number of restarts per day
    the other restart times are computed from the first one modulo 24 hours.

So let say you want three restarts per day, you need to write “3” in the dialog, which will give you a restart every 24/3 = 8 hours.

If your reference time is 02:00, it will restart at 02:00 then 8 hours later, so at 10:00, then 8 hours later, so 18:00.

If you absolutely want 19:30 as a restart time, then set this as the reference time, the server will then restart at 19:30 then 8 hours later at 03:30 (19:30+8-24) then another restart at 11:30.

Q: How can I enable PvP, PvE or PvE-C mode on my server?

A: I’ve avoided so far to add any of the settings that could be changed in the in-game interface, because these had historically a tendency to change often, also there is no clear limit of where we want to stop.

Basically, the launcher is there to make it easier to get your server running, but after that, you should just log on it, and then set up the parameters in the admin interface in the game.

The official servers settings are a mix and match of multiple parameters: There’s no “PvP” or “PvE” setting, what there is instead is a bunch of different parameters set to different values, and these have been regularly changed based on the community requests, adding these in the tool would be probably a permanent race for me to add this or change that.

Now, let me think out loud, maybe what would work is an easy way to apply community made sets of settings, like kind of templates that people could share, and that the tool would allow you to apply automatically, like for example a “Peaceful Role Play” template, with PVP disabled, faster XP, etc…

Then if somebody wants to make a “PvP” template, that would work as well, just select it and it would apply whatever parameter is necessary.

Q: Can I restart or upgrade the launcher while the server run?

Closing the Dedicated Server Launcher is 100% safe, the server will continue running as if nothing happened, and when you relaunch a Launcher (the same one, a previous one, or a new one) it will pickup the situation from where you were.

The launcher is basically stateless, all the information it uses is derived from what it finds in the Exiles Server it manages:

1.7.2 (30 june 2023)

1.7.1 (26 may 2023)

1.7.0 (25 may 2023)

Improved the DSL web status page:

  • Added a few class names on the web status page
  • Added some proper buttons to login, start, stop and restart server
  • Added some proper categories with list views for the displayed parameters

Changed to the branch selection:

1.6.9 (21 april 2023)

1.6.8 (21 march 2023)

1.6.7 (13 march 2023)

1.6.6 (14 february 2023)

1.6.5 (13 february 2023) – Not recommended for use

1.6.4 (21 october 2022)

1.6.3 (20 october 2022)

1.6.2 (29 august 2022)

1.6.1 (23 August 2022)

1.6.0 (6 July 2022)

1.5.8 (9 december 2021)

1.5.7 (7 december 2021)

1.5.6 (2 december 2021)

1.5.5 (10 november 2021) – Not recommended for use

1.5.4 (4 november 2021) Not recommended for use

1.5.3 (2 november 2021) Not recommended for use

1.5.2 (4 october 2021)

1.5.1 (24 august 2021)

1.5.0 (23 august 2021)

1.4.6 (10 june 2021)

1.4.5 (29 april 2021)

1.4.4 (19 april 2021)

1.4.2 (15 april 2021)

1.4.1 (12 april 2021)

1.4.0 (24 march 2021)

1.3.9 (3 march 2021)

1.3.8 (22 january 2021)

1.3.7 (13 january 2021)

1.3.6 (11 january 2021)

1.3.5 (8 december 2020)

1.3.4 (30 november 2020)

1.3.1 (1 october 2020)

1.3.0 (21 september 2020)

1.2.5 (18 september 2020)

1.2.4 (17 september 2020)

1.2.3 (16 september 2020)

1.2.2 (14 september 2020)

1.2.1 (10 september 2020)

1.1.2 (28 august 2020)

1.1.1 (10 August 2020)

1.1.0 (17 july 2020)

1.0.49 (14 july 2020)

1.0.48 (26 may 2020)

1.0.47 (25 may 2020)

1.0.46 (21 April 2020)

1.0.45 (10 March 2020)

1.0.44 (29 November 2019)

1.0.43 (05 November 2019)

1.0.42 (11 September 2019)

1.0.41 (30 July 2019)

1.0.40 (1 July 2019)

1.0.39 (21 May 2019)

1.0.38 (16 April 2019)

1.0.37 (15 April 2019)

1.0.36 (15 April 2019)

1.0.35 (2 April 2019)

1.0.34 (29 March 2019)

1.0.33 (19 March 2019)

1.0.32 (19 March 2019)

1.0.31 (18 March 2019)

1.0.30 (14 March 2019)

1.0.29 (12 March 2019)

1.0.28 (9 March 2019)

1.0.27 (8 March 2019)

1.0.26 (26 Februar 2019)

1.0.25 (16 January 2019)

1.0.24 (19 December 2018)

1.0.23 (18 December 2018)

1.0.22 (17 December 2018)

1.0.21 (11 December 2018)

1.0.20 (30 November 2018)

1.0.19 (19 November 2018)

1.0.18 (14 November 2018)

1.0.17 (15 October 2018)

1.0.16 (21 September 2018)

1.0.15 (03 September 2018)

1.0.14 (27 August 2018)

1.0.13 (22 August 2018)

1.0.12 (08 August 2018)

1.0.11 (07 August 2018)

1.0.10 (03 August 2018)

1.0.9 (01 August 2018)

1.0.8 (05 July 2018)

1.0.7 (03 July 2018)

1.0.6 (02 July 2018)

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