V Rising: How To Change Settings on a Dedicated Server

V Rising: How To Change Settings on a Dedicated Server

Stunlock Studio’s V Rising completed one year of being in early access on May 17th, 2023. And on the same day, the Swedish video game development studio released the game’s first major content drop. Called Secrets of Gloomrot, this update adds new biomes, enemy types, decorations, and much more content for the players. However, since V Rising is still an early-access game, there’s a lot of polishing and bug squashing to be done by the developers. While the game is still a lot of fun, there’s some stuff, like changing settings on a dedicated server in-game, that has been bothering players a lot.

Dedicated servers are a type of server in V Rising. These are either hosted or rented. Dedicated servers are great since even when the host is not on the server, other players can still play and use it. Now, changing settings on a dedicated server can seem hard, but with the help of this guide, you will be able to do so without wasting any sweat.

V Rising: How To Change Settings in a Dedicated Server

V Rising: How To Change Settings on a Dedicated Server

A major prerequisite for this guide is that you have either VS Code or Notepad++ installed on your computer. Notepad won’t work, so you need to ensure that you have Notepad++ installed. You need to start by creating a new server. To do just that, go to the V Rising Dedicated Server directory folder by following this path: Steam > steamapps > common > VRisingDedicatedServer. There you will find the start_server_(example).bat file. Copy and paste it somewhere else as a backup. Open the .bat file, edit it using either VS Code or Notepad++, and then rename it after editing. Now, it’s time to start running the new start server file that you edited. When the command window pops up, wait a few seconds and then immediately press Ctrl + C. This will make sure that all the necessary folders are created. Now, to change settings on a dedicated server, head to the game’s installation folder and follow the given path: VRisingServer_Data > StreamingAssets > Settings.

Once there, copy these two files – ServerGameSettings.json and ServerHostSettings.json. After copying, head back to the VRisingDedicatedServer main folder and look for a folder named – save-data >Saves > v2 > **savefile name**. When you find the file with the saved name of your server, paste those two files from before. Now, it’s time to edit those two files with an editor.

Open the ServerHostSettings.json file first. You can edit whatever you want except for the Name and SaveName. Do not touch those two options. When you have changed settings and are satisfied with your changes, save the changes, and then open the ServerGameSettings.json file. Change the settings however you like. Be sure to check which options can be edited to know what you can and cannot edit or change.

Now, run your modified start_server.bat file so that the settings can be implemented. A great way to see if that happened or not is to open the logs > VRising.Server.log file, scroll, and navigate to the Settings section of the log. So, with this, you will be able to change the settings of a dedicated server in V Rising if the in-game options fail to work. For more guides like this on V Rising and other games, follow DigiStatement.

Also, read: V Rising: How to play Co-Op & Invite friends


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