Piotr has a Cheap Dedicated Server with 100TB of Disk: Optimizing it With ZFS

Piotr has a Cheap Dedicated Server with 100TB of Disk: Optimizing it With ZFS

Piotr has a Cheap Dedicated Server with 100TB of Disk: Optimizing it With ZFS

Piotr has 10x10TB drives (yes, seriously) and wants to maximize usage of his space while still having protection against failures. ZFS is a great option for this – highly performant, very flexible, and solid code that’s been in production for a long time.

ZFS – the Zettabyte File System – was developed by Sun Microsystems back when they were still a thing.  It started on Solaris and then as open sourced.  For a long time there were licensing issues which is why early on it was available on *BSD systems but not Linux, but this is all a thing of the past now.

ZFS is 128-bit, which means it can store…well, a lot of data.  To full populate a single storage pool would require 3×1024 TB drives.

Even Piotr doesn’t have that many.

Setting it all up on But it’s not as simple as it looks. Fortunately Piotr has a quick tutorial on how to use (or modify) a simple script to do all the heavy lifting for you.

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