Linux Dedicated Server Blog

Linux Dedicated Server Blog

You have a Python script you’d like to use, but you’re not sure if your server has Python installed, or if it’s running the latest version. No problem! We address that common issue in today’s article. Learn how to install Python 3 in Ubuntu easily in this comprehensive guide. At IOFLOOD, most of the internal …

Have you ever wondered how to make your Bash scripts more powerful and flexible? One of the key skills you need to achieve this is mastering conditional statements, specifically bash if, elif, and else statements. By the end of this blog post, you’ll be well-equipped to handle these conditionals with ease, making your scripts more …

Have you ever found yourself scratching your head, trying to decide between Debian and Ubuntu for your next server or desktop setup? You’re not alone. With their shared history and common features, it’s no wonder that many Linux users struggle to choose between these two popular distributions. At IOFLOOD, we see strong demand for both …

In today’s digital world, we rely on passwords to protect our sensitive information from the increasing threat of cyber-attacks, identity theft, and data breaches. But are your passwords the best they can be? Do you need good password ideas? You’ve come to the right place! In this blog, we will outline 11 strategies to come …

Your hosting business is growing rapidly, and you’re starting to feel the pressure of accommodating an increasing number of clients on your dedicated servers. It’s a good problem to have — but still a problem. It’s a common challenge faced by many VPS and cPanel shared hosting providers, and it begs the question: how do …

When managing a dedicated server, one crucial aspect to keep an eye on is the health of your RAID (Redundant Array of Independent Disks) system. RAID systems are like the unsung heroes of the server world, working behind the scenes to keep your data safe and accessible. Just as you’d want to know if your …

Are you looking for a CentOS alternative in 2023? If so, you’re in good company. Many people have been after CentOS alternatives in the last few years. This is largely due to changes made by RedHat for licensing and ongoing maintenance for CentOS. For the unfamiliar, CentOS is a Linux distribution built on the Red …

Have you ever experienced something like this? Everything is going well as you work on a PHP project until you suddenly see an error message stating that “safe mode is turned on.” It’s annoying to have your progress blocked by this unforeseen issue because you don’t know what this means or how to fix it. …

Have you ever executed the nslookup command and been notified that the result was “Non-authoritative”? If you’re like many people, you’ve probably seen this message a lot but never really understood what it meant. Those who are unfamiliar with working with DNS servers may find this to be a complicated and misunderstood subject. But for …

When I was more actively involved in web development, I frequently had to install the PHP GD library on a dedicated or VPS server running cPanel. Anyone just getting started with web development who wants to add more functionality to their website is likely to encounter the error “php gd not installed” sooner or later. …

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