Choose The Right Bandwidth Plan For Dedicated Server l Temok

Choose The Right Bandwidth Plan For Dedicated Server l Temok

10 min read

You might already be familiar with the Server configuration. When configuring your brand-new server, one of the first things to do is create a bandwidth strategy. This article will inform you how to choose The Best Bandwidth Plan for Dedicated Server. In addition, you’ll have a clearer understanding of the Bandwith plan and very few unaddressed networking questions.

An Introduction to Dedicated Server Bandwidth

The term “bandwidth” defines the rate at which data is transferred in computer networks and is commonly used by Internet Service Providers (ISP). To be more specific, it refers to the quantity of data that can be moved from one location to another within a given amount of time.

 Typically, one second is the amount of time that is specified. These days, the vast majority of Internet service providers (ISPs) refer to this kind of bandwidth as kilobits per second (kbps) or megabits per second (Mbps).

When there is a need for greater bandwidth, certain service providers may insist on Gigabits per Second, abbreviated as Gbps. In addition, a connection with high bandwidth can transport sufficient data to display important content. These include live video events, streaming, cloud hosting, popular websites, and more.

About the Bandwidth and Web Traffic

Service providers in the hosting industry frequently use the term “bandwidth”. When discussing the amount of traffic generated by hosting services such as cloud hosting and dedicated servers over a month.”

Most service providers estimate a customer’s bandwidth in terabytes, abbreviated as TB. TB is the amount of data a company transfers into and out of a network per month for a particular dedicated server.

It’s important to remember that the hosting company utilizes routing equipment to connect the dedicated server to its network. The dedicated servers of a customer are typically linked to the hosting provider’s network via switches. Additionally, the port speeds of the switches will range from 100 Mbps to 10 Gbps.

 With an increased port size, your network can utilize the unlimited bandwidth available on an unmetered dedicated server. This may be a consideration when choosing a hosting provider. In addition, the term “unmetered” is limited by the port size.

Bandwidth determines how much data a dedicated server can transmit to and from the Internet. For most businesses, a monthly bandwidth allocation of 10 TB is sufficient for transferring their data, but some will require more. They might also require a larger port size. Datacenters need multiples of 10 Gbps of uplink to serve many customers, while a smaller website owner can use 100 Mbps.

Important Considerations To Choose the Best Bandwidth Plan for Dedicated Server

Imagine you are responsible for passing ten vehicles through two parallel narrow and wide roads. If it takes 20 minutes to send the cars through the narrow road, the same task can be completed in just 10 minutes using the wide road.

On a narrow road, there is only one lane of traffic, which causes delays. On a wide road, there are at least two lanes of traffic, and you can send cars more quickly.

The cars are your data, and the road is your bandwidth. You’ll need more bandwidth to send all your data simultaneously, which means slower speeds overall. SolarWinds, Networx, and Spiceworks, are three examples of bandwidth-measuring tools that can use to monitor network traffic. Linux also has several command-line network monitoring tools, including “iftop,” “nload,” and “bmon.”

Downloading is the process of transferring data from a server over a network. And in the opposite direction, when you transfer data to your server over the network, you are uploading.

Bandwidth determines how quickly you can download and upload data from and to a server.  Bandwidth defines the maximum data transfer rate along a given path and is measured in Terabytes.

A server’s network speed is reflected in its port speed, measured in Gigabits per second.

Find out About the Best Bandwidth Plan for a Dedicated Server

best bandwidth plan

Server administrators know the precise number of visitors, page sizes, and the nature and purpose of their activities. Including but not limited to instant messaging, electronic mail, social networking sites, video and voice over internet protocol (VoIP) calls, web browsing, internet browsing, file sharing, and video streaming.

This data will help them determine how much bandwidth will be needed before a website goes live. More bandwidth means more money out of your pocket from your Internet service provider (ISP), so do the math before you sign up.

On the speedtest website, you can test your bandwidth speed. Changing layouts and an increase in traffic have the greatest impact on the bandwidth you have available. Optimize your web browsing by controlling your bandwidth usage.

Select the Optimised Bandwidth Plan

bandwidth optimization

Why does it matter to plan? Bandwidth planning is essential to ensure adequate transfer rates for monthly data loads. And it would be best if you also predicted a safe margin for any unexpected bandwidth use.

Whenever a user visits your website, they are making a data request. Your server is where the data is physically stored; when a request is made to view the data, your server will send the data to the user’s browser.

For those unfamiliar, bandwidth refers to the quantity of data transferred from your server to the user. Therefore, a bandwidth of 50 Mbps for your website indicates that your server can transfer 50 megabits per second.

Naturally, you’ll require more bandwidth if more people visit your website.

In web hosting, overall data transfers are also monitored. This is where bandwidth concepts such as “metered”, “unmetered”, and “unlimited” enter the picture.

1.    Metered Bandwidth

In a metered bandwidth plan, your total bandwidth consumption is monitored and charged accordingly. Suppose your plan allows for 100 GB of data transfer. You have a 50 Mbps bandwidth.

For each second of data transfer, you consume 50MB from your 100GB plan. The analogy between a metered connection and a home broadband plan could be better, but it can serve as a useful starting point. The total data limit is 100 GB, and the speed is 50 Mbps. The total available storage space will decrease as your internet use increases.

The same applies to metered connections. Here, the only difference is that your server is being monitored. If your server transfers images or videos, you will require more data, similar to when you use the Internet.

Excessive data usage will lead to service cancellation or an increase in fees. It is up to the web host chosen.

You shouldn’t use a metered connection for a business or content-heavy website. Metered connections are reasonable for private websites that receive under a few hundred visitors per month. Metered plans will not meet any higher data needs than that.

2.    Unlimited Bandwidth

unlimited bandwidth plans

First, understand that unlimited bandwidth is not unlimited. There is always a limiting factor. First, speed is restricted. Therefore, you do not receive “unlimited” speed; there is no such thing. Consequently, the speed you can achieve depends on the plan you choose.

However, businesses are honest about this. The ‘unlimited’ part of the transfer is the limit( cap). Most of the time, unlimited bandwidth plans are metered bandwidth plans with a higher cap on the total amount of data transferred.

If your metered connection has a 100 GB limit, your unlimited plan’s limit is closer to 500 GB. Businesses typically need to make that information more readily available. Instead, they take a gamble that you won’t need 500GB of storage, which may or may not be true. Therefore, reading the fine print is important when considering an unlimited bandwidth plan. The actual data limit is probably located there.

3.    Unmetered Bandwidth

The ideal “unlimited” bandwidth form would be “unmetered” bandwidth. The amount of transferred data is not monitored, as the name suggests. If you have a 50 Mbps unmetered bandwidth plan, your maximum download speed is 50 Mbps and nothing more.

There is no limit on the qua of data transferred at the maximum speed of 50 Mbps. It’s not metered. In many ways, it’s similar to signing up for a broadband plan with an unlimited data allowance. For the price of your chosen 50 Mbps plan, you can stream videos and play online games all day long.

The essence of an unmetered plan is a flat monthly rate regardless of data usage. You need not worry about the amount of data transferred by your servers.

Read our best article regarding Metered vs. unmetered vs. unlimited bandwidth; what is the difference?

What is a Dedicated Server?

what is dedicated server

A “Dedicated Server” is a web hosting plan in which an entire server is dedicated to a single client. It can give you more control over your website and prevent other customers’ websites from affecting yours.

Dedicated server hosting is considerably more expensive than shared hosting. However, you will need a dedicated server if your website receives much traffic or has other requirements (such as additional security measures).

Many websites are of a size that allows them to be served from a single machine that is shared with multiple customers. This type of hosting is known as shared hosting. But a larger site with many visitors might need help with the shared arrangement’s speed, memory, or bandwidth limits.

Some dedicated server plans are fully managed, so your web hosting company performs routine administration tasks, such as initial server configuration, patching, anti-virus, security scanning, and monitoring.

Suppose you go with other dedicated server plans. You’ll have to take care of the server’s setup, patches, anti-virus software, etc., on your own.

 Choose the best-dedicated server hosting plan from us (Temok) to get the support and protection you need to keep your websites online.

How Does Dedicated Server Work?

A dedicated server is physically located in the hosting company’s data center. It accesses the Internet through the host machine’s powerful system. It is powered by batteries and generators connected to the host’s high-capacity power lines.

You receive a server with no pre-existing data when you purchase a dedicated hosting plan. It can be designed, optimized, and modified to fit your needs. You may only add elements that improve the functionality and performance of your website. Additionally, you can utilize the operating system of your choice.

Error Correcting Code RAM

Error-correcting code random-access memory is more trustworthy as it has special hardware to detect and fix errors and prevent data corruption.


The central processing units (CPUs) in servers typically have many cores. These are up to 48 cores for Intel Xeons and 64 cores for AMD Epyc. You can get a cheaper dedicated server if your app doesn’t need many resources.

SSDs (or HDDs)

SSDs are more expensive than hard drives but offer superior storage performance (read/write speeds). With these high-powered specs, you get access to plenty of bandwidth that can handle heavy usage.

Also read what a Dedicated Server is and what are its Characteristics?

Which dedicated server should I choose?

which server should i choose

Each company has specific requirements, and it’s crucial to their ongoing success that you understand how to pick the best-dedicated server for your needs. With this guide, we hope to help you narrow down your options for a dedicated server. We highlighted the six most crucial factors, from knowing your performance needs to selecting the best hosting provider.

1.    Performance requirements

Dedicated servers are the optimal hosting solution for sites with high traffic and data loads. How many users do you predict, and how many servers will you likely need? These are important questions to ask when determining your performance requirements.

Hardware resources like the amount of CPU, RAM, and how you’re hard drives are set up will affect the configuration choices. If you can improve the speed at which data can be written and retrieved. It will have a significant impact on the performance of your database server.

Remember that the technology at hand is an important element when determining your performance standards. You need to think about the power consumption of the OS and any applications you intend to run when making your hardware decisions.

2.    Management

Having a trustworthy managed hosting partner is essential for your dedicated server solution. Not all businesses will have the knowledge, expertise, or resources necessary to manage such complex servers.

All the aspects are covered with a managed dedicated server. This may include server configuration, installation, regular maintenance, hardware and software updates, and monitoring.

When you choose Temok’s fully managed dedicated server solution, you can rest assured that our friendly UK-based support team is here to support your platform, up to the application layer, around the clock.

It means that you’ll have access to a technical support engineer. Who is available whenever you need them, no matter the issue. Also, unlike with an unmanaged model, our team of experts will be able to provide you with expert guidance in areas like load balancing and clustering.

3.    Potential Downtime

If your website takes up to three seconds to load, you risk losing nearly half of your visitors. This data further emphasizes the significance of choosing a reliable, dedicated server. By definition, dedicated servers offer several advantages, one of which is superior reliability and uptime.

Think about the downtime that could occur before deciding on a dedicated server. For maximum peace of mind, make sure your chosen server is available 24/7.

While it’s true that technical difficulties are sure to happen with such servers, you should rest assured that you’ll receive prompt assistance whenever possible.

When choosing a dedicated server, you should consider how much downtime you can afford. These things should depend on other things, like your business type.

4.    Network Quality

When choosing a hosting provider, it is essential to consider network quality. Network quality has a direct impact on performance. Location is one of the factors that frequently determine network quality.

You can expect a decline in network performance proportional to the distance between your dedicated server and your company. Before committing, consider and test your Network’s Operation Center and network speeds and quality. Taking into account such factors is essential to reducing the likelihood of disappointment.

5.    Bandwidth

The bandwidth is a metric for how much data can be sent and received in a given time. Every customer who uses one of your hosted services must go through your server to send and receive data. You must check that you have sufficient bandwidth to support everyone.

Your bandwidth needs will be proportional to the predictability of data traffic. So, if your online business is anticipated to consume a significant amount of bandwidth but has low predictability, selecting a host with a reasonable bandwidth policy would be sensible.

6.    Scalability

Growth is the reason for any company’s existence. In the coming years,  you can expect a consistent increase in the number of people visiting your website. It’s preferable if you look for a site that can expand with your company rather than one that limits its growth.

Can your choice of dedicated server accommodate an increase in end-users alongside a rise in page views? Such dynamics have an enormous impact in the long run. The reality is that scaling up certain applications is challenging.

If you want to expand your operations, you don’t want to have to keep switching hosting providers. If future scalability is a concern, it’s best to work with seasoned hosting providers.

Final thoughts

The best host can act as an advisor right from the start of the search process until you’ve made your final decision. They will get their engineers and specialists involved in answering your questions, and they have a large clientele that will likely provide glowing references if you ask for them.

Choosing a dedicated server is a daunting task with numerous factors to consider. Define your company’s goals and collaborate with a reputable service provider to find the optimal solution and position your business for long-term growth and success.

You should better understand how to choose the best bandwidth plan for a dedicated server. If you have a rapidly expanding business or data security is a top priority, a Dedicated Server with an Unmetered bandwidth plan may be the way to go.

Feel free to contact us anytime if you need further assistance determining which bandwidth plan is best for your web hosting server.

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