Best web hosting Australia 2024 | The Canberra Times

Best web hosting Australia 2024 | The Canberra Times

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One of the keys to keeping your online customers happy is choosing a great web host. Picture Shutterstock

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Looking for the best web hosting in Australia in 2024? You’ve come to the right place. We’ve done all the hard work, sifting through the vast sea of hosting options to bring you the best providers.

Speed is the most important factor, since nobody likes a slow website. The longer your page takes to load, the more likely visitors are to bounce. But there’s more to a great web host than just fast load times. We dive deep into what makes a web hosting service stand out-factors like top-notch security, smooth user experiences, reliable customer support, and of course, pricing.

Whether you’re setting up your first website or looking to switch to a better provider, this article will give you the insights to help you pick the top web hosting for your needs.

1. HostPapa – Best Web Hosting Provider in Australia

HostPapa. Picture supplied
HostPapa. Picture supplied

Uptime: Guaranteed 99.9% Uptime

Customer Support: Helpline, Live Chat, Tickets

HostPapa sets itself apart as the #1 web hosting provider by offering blazing-fast worldwide connection speeds under 250 milliseconds to and from Sydney. Independent tests reinforce HostPapa’s claims, with pings registering at an impressive 206 milliseconds. This demonstrates that HostPapa not only promises fast and reliable web hosting but actually delivers, making it an ideal choice for anyone looking to establish or maintain a strong online presence in Australia.

HostPapa’s reliability is another cornerstone of its service, boasting a 99.9% uptime guarantee. This assurance means your website remains operational and accessible to your audience nearly all the time. For businesses, this reliability translates into sustained revenue, uninterrupted customer service, and a strong, dependable online presence. The importance of having a website that’s consistently up and running cannot be overstated, especially when it directly impacts your bottom line.

With its commitment to speed and uptime, HostPapa stands out as a web hosting provider that can help your site reach its full potential, catering to a global audience without compromise.

Other services

HostPapa stands out in the web hosting realm not only for its essential offerings like domain management and email services but also for its exceptional WordPress compatibility. This feature ensures a hassle-free transition for those migrating their sites, allowing them to retain their existing site design and functionality without starting from scratch. Additionally, HostPapa enhances your site’s security and search engine ranking potential with free SSL certificates, ensuring every visitor’s data is encrypted and your site remains trusted by browsers and antivirus software alike.

Beyond the basics, HostPapa extends its services to include access to over 400 business applications, enabling a highly customised and efficient online platform for any business. The provision of 24/7 support caters specifically to the needs of Australian businesses operating in a global market, ensuring help is always at hand. With Cloudflare CDN integration, HostPapa guarantees optimal website performance by automatically rerouting traffic through alternative pathways during high demand or server lag, ensuring your site remains fast and accessible to your audience worldwide. This comprehensive suite of services highlights HostPapa’s commitment to delivering a secure, reliable, and highly functional web hosting experience.

  • Prices are listed in AUD
  • 99.9% Uptime Guarantee
  • Fast ping times of 206 ms
  • 100 GB SSD storage
  • 24 hour customer support
  • Servers are not located within Australia

2. SiteGround AU

SiteGround AU. Picture supplied
SiteGround AU. Picture supplied

Uptime: Guaranteed 99.9% Uptime

Customer Support: Helpline, Live Chat, Tickets

SiteGround emerges as the #2 option for web hosting in Australia, not only because it matches HostPapa’s 99.9% uptime guarantee but also for its strategic partnerships that elevate its service offerings. While specific Australian load times weren’t available, SiteGround’s collaboration with Google Cloud’s Data Center in Sydney is a game-changer. This partnership means users gain a robust Google presence in Australia, significantly reducing common web hosting issues like server downtimes and programming glitches. For website operators, the hassle of troubleshooting technical problems becomes a non-issue, ensuring that international customers experience seamless access to your site.

Furthermore, SiteGround’s alliance with WordPress adds another layer of credibility and efficiency to its services. Being officially recommended by WordPress not only assures compatibility with some of the most sought-after website templates and easy customisation options but also signifies a strong support network bolstered by knowledgeable customer service teams from both entities. This synergy between SiteGround and WordPress means that users benefit from a web hosting environment that’s not just reliable and fast but also optimised for success, making SiteGround a top choice for anyone looking to establish an online presence with minimal fuss.

Other services

SiteGround doesn’t just stop at high uptime rates and strategic partnerships; it goes further by ensuring your website runs on the latest technology with offerings like SSL certificates for secure connections and SSD (Solid State Drive) storage for faster and more reliable website performance. These features are pivotal for anyone looking to improve their site’s security and loading speeds. Additionally, SiteGround leverages its partnership with WordPress to provide a hassle-free site transfer service, making it an appealing option for those dissatisfied with their current web hosting provider and seeking a smooth transition to a more reliable service.

SiteGround’s collaboration with Google not only enhances its technical capabilities but also aligns it with sustainable practices. Operating on a platform that matches 100% of its energy use with renewable energy purchases, SiteGround offers customers the added benefit of reducing their environmental impact, an increasingly important consideration for businesses and individuals alike. This commitment to sustainability, combined with resources like small business and website building tutorials and exceptional customer service, positions SiteGround as a top choice for web hosting.

  • Part of Google Cloud Computing
  • 99.9% Uptime Guarantee
  • Officially recommended by WordPress
  • Free CDN, SSL, etc.
  • 24 hour customer support
  • Slightly slower connection speeds

3. GreenGeeks

GreenGeeks. Picture supplied
GreenGeeks. Picture supplied

Uptime: Guaranteed 99.9% Uptime

Customer Support: Helpline, Live Chat, Tickets

GreenGeeks sets itself apart in the Australian web hosting market not just with its impressive speed and reliability, boasting load times under 200 milliseconds and a 99.9% uptime guarantee similar to its competitors, but more so with its eco-friendly ethos. In today’s environmentally conscious world, especially in Australia where the climate conversation is both vibrant and critical, hosting your website with a green company like GreenGeeks can significantly enhance your brand’s appeal. Their commitment to sustainability is more than just a tagline; it’s a core part of their operation.

What truly distinguishes GreenGeeks is their environmental impact. For every unit of energy they consume, they commit to returning three times that in renewable energy back to the grid, proudly positioning themselves as the “World’s #1 Green Energy Web Hosting Provider.” This bold move towards sustainability isn’t just about reducing their carbon footprint; it’s about making a positive impact. By choosing GreenGeeks, businesses and individuals in Australia not only secure a fast and reliable web hosting service but also align themselves with a provider that actively contributes to a greener planet. This unique selling point resonates well in a market that values environmental responsibility, potentially drawing more eco-conscious customers to your site.

Other services

GreenGeeks goes beyond being just an eco-friendly web hosting option by ensuring their services cater comprehensively to their clients’ needs. WordPress compatibility stands out as a key feature, simplifying the process for those looking to migrate their websites without the hassle. This compatibility ensures a smooth transition and extends the convenience of familiar tools and layouts to users switching over. Furthermore, GreenGeeks recognises the importance of reliable support, offering 24-hour customer service. This is particularly crucial for Australian users who often face the challenge of time zone differences when dealing with international companies.

GreenGeeks challenges the notion that eco-friendly services come at a premium by offering competitive pricing, starting at just $2.95 (USD). While GreenGeeks might be a newer player in the web hosting scene, making it harder to compare directly with long-established providers, their combination of speed, sustainability, seamless WordPress integration, robust support, affordability, and an appealing referral program positions them as a noteworthy option for those prioritising environmental impact alongside quality web hosting services.

  • Eco-Friendly
  • 99.9% Uptime Guarantee
  • Fast ping times of 186 ms
  • 24 hour customer support
  • Unlimited storage
  • Servers are all located in the Americas and Europe

4. Hostinger

 Hostinger. Picture supplied
Hostinger. Picture supplied

Uptime: Guaranteed 99.9% Uptime

Customer Support: Live Chat, Tickets

Hostinger is rapidly becoming a top choice for web hosting in Australia, thanks to its unbeatable combination of affordability and high-quality service. It’s a go-to for anyone looking to launch or maintain their online presence without breaking the bank. What sets Hostinger apart is not just its wallet-friendly prices, but the breadth of hosting options and the seamless experience it offers its users.

With servers strategically placed around the globe, including Australia, Singapore, Brazil, the U.S., Lithuania, the UK, Indonesia, and the Netherlands, Hostinger ensures that your website is accessible at high speeds to a worldwide audience. This global network is crucial for businesses targeting customers across different regions, guaranteeing minimal latency and fast loading times for your site visitors no matter where they are.

Starting with Hostinger is straightforward, thanks to its user-friendly onboarding process that simplifies the migration of your website to their platform. They cater to a wide range of hosting needs with their diverse plans, including shared, dedicated WordPress, email, cloud, and VPS hosting. Each plan comes packed with features designed to maximise your website’s performance and security, such as free SSL certificates, super-fast SSD storage, a 99.9% uptime guarantee, and unlimited bandwidth. With these offerings, it’s clear that Hostinger is dedicated to providing top-tier web hosting solutions that are accessible to both novices and tech-savvy users alike, making it a compelling choice for Australians seeking reliable and efficient web hosting services.

Other services

Hostinger stands out in the web hosting landscape not only for its bespoke hPanel, which offers an unparalleled user experience compared to the traditional cPanel, but also for its comprehensive suite of services designed to cater to a wide range of website owners. The company simplifies domain registration and management, offering a broad selection of extensions and easy-to-use DNS management tools. Its web hosting solutions are diverse, including shared, VPS, and cloud hosting, each optimised for different stages of a website’s lifecycle. For those seeking a no-coding-required solution, Hostinger’s website builder provides a drag-and-drop interface with customizable templates. The platform also excels in WordPress optimisation, offering services tailored for speed and security, alongside professional email hosting to enhance business communications.

Security and customer support are pillars of Hostinger’s service. With SSL certificates, regular backups, and advanced protection features like Cloudflare’s security and DDoS protection, Hostinger ensures the safety and reliability of websites hosted on its platform. The commitment to customer satisfaction is further evidenced by its 24/7/365 live chat support and a vast library of tutorials and guides.

  • Simple onboarding process
  • Impressive performance
  • Simple domain registration and management
  • Low monthly price
  • Multiple data centres located around the world
  • Customer support is not as efficient as other web hosting providers

5. A2 Hosting

A2 Hosting. Picture supplied
A2 Hosting. Picture supplied

Uptime: Guaranteed 99.9% Uptime

Customer Support: Helpline, Live Chat, Tickets

A2 Hosting distinguishes itself as a top web hosting provider in Australia, primarily through its comprehensive suite of reseller hosting plans, which cater to a variety of needs and budgets. With options ranging from the Kickstart plan at $17.99 USD per month to the Scale plan at $39.99 USD per month, A2 Hosting offers a scalable and cost-effective path for those interested in reseller hosting. This flexibility in pricing and plan options makes it an appealing choice for individuals and businesses looking to enter the web hosting market.

Beyond reseller hosting, A2 Hosting demonstrates its versatility and commitment to catering to a wide array of web hosting needs, including VPS hosting, WordPress hosting, shared hosting, and dedicated hosting, with shared plans starting as low as $2.99 USD per month. A key advantage for Australian customers is A2 Hosting’s use of SSD storage across its plans, ensuring super-fast speeds and reliability.

Furthermore, the unlimited storage space offered across many of its plans, combined with a strategically located data centre in Singapore, guarantees that Australian websites hosted on A2 Hosting will benefit from minimal loading times. This blend of performance, affordability, and a broad range of hosting options solidifies A2 Hosting’s position as a preferred choice for web hosting in Australia.

Other Services

At A2 Hosting, the array of services extends well beyond standard hosting plans, providing a comprehensive ecosystem to support and enhance your web hosting experience. One of the standout offerings for new customers is the free migration service, ensuring a seamless transition for those looking to switch their web hosting to A2 Hosting. This hassle-free onboarding process is complemented by the assurance of 24/7/365 customer support. Existing customers praise the fast response times and the helpfulness of the support staff, highlighting the company’s commitment to user satisfaction and technical assistance.

However, it’s A2 Hosting’s ‘Turbo Servers’ that truly set it apart in the web hosting industry. Promising speeds up to 20 times faster than average hosting services, these servers leverage custom caching, SSD storage, and an enhanced Apache alternative to deliver unparalleled performance. This means not only faster load times for your website but also a more efficient and pleasant experience for your visitors.

Additionally, A2 Hosting provides more resources per user, ensuring that your site can handle higher traffic volumes and more intensive processes without a hitch. With four global data centres, A2 Hosting offers the flexibility to host your site closer to your target audience, further optimising loading times and reliability.

  • Reseller hosting at affordable prices
  • Unlimited data transfer
  • 4 global data centres
  • Unlimited SSD storage
  • Beginners may find the platform overwhelming

What to look for when choosing a Web Host in Australia

With so many web hosting options in Australia, it’s crucial to consider several important factors before making your choice. These include server location, reliability, performance, security, scalability, customer support, and pricing. Each of these aspects plays a vital role in ensuring your website’s success and efficiency.

Server location

The geographic location of your web hosting provider’s data centres significantly impacts your website’s speed and reliability. For Australian websites, choosing a provider with data centres in Australia or in close proximity is crucial. This ensures lower latency and faster load times for your local audience, enhancing user experience and potentially boosting your site’s search engine rankings and conversion rates.


A web hosting service’s reliability is paramount to keeping your site accessible to users at all times. Look for providers that guarantee an uptime of at least 99.9%, which is the industry standard. Investigating the provider’s reliability through customer reviews and their service track record can give you insight into their performance and dependability.


The performance of your website hinges on the resources allocated by your hosting provider. Key factors to consider include bandwidth, storage capacity, processing power, and memory. Providers that utilise solid-state drives (SSDs), caching, and content delivery networks (CDNs) can significantly enhance your site’s performance, handling traffic efficiently and improving page load times.


In today’s digital age, security is a top priority. A secure hosting provider will protect your website and its users from cyber threats like hacking, malware, and DDoS attacks. Essential security features to look for include SSL certificates, regular backups, firewalls, malware scanning, and a secure server infrastructure.


As your website grows, so will its resource and functionality needs. Opt for a web hosting provider that offers scalable solutions, allowing you to easily upgrade or downgrade your service package as required. This flexibility is crucial for maintaining optimal site performance and handling increased traffic without the need for a service provider change.

Customer support

The availability of responsive and knowledgeable customer support is critical, especially when unforeseen technical issues arise. A provider that offers 24/7 support through various channels, including phone, email, and live chat, can be a lifesaver, ensuring that help is always at hand when you need it the most.


While pricing should not be the sole factor in choosing a web hosting provider, it is undoubtedly an important consideration. It’s essential to find a balance between affordability and the quality of service offered. Compare the features, resources, and support included in the pricing plans of various providers, and be mindful of additional costs such as domain registration and SSL certificates.


Choosing the best web hosting service in Australia for 2024 hinges on finding a provider that offers a perfect blend of technological advancements, robust security, and outstanding customer support, tailored to meet the specific needs and aspirations of your online presence. Key considerations such as server location, reliability, performance, scalability, and pricing play a crucial role in ensuring the success and growth of your website. The ideal web hosting provider is one that not only promises minimal downtime and high-speed performance but also provides scalable solutions and responsive customer support.

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