If you Bigpond email error code 550, it means the recipient email address that is entered is invalid or either does not exist in the domain. Here are some of the reasons why the Bigpond email error code 550 is occurred:
• If the recipients email address is mistyped or misspelled, then this error code is occurred.
• When the email client is not configured with the correct log credentials and requires authentication within the outgoing mail server, you may encounter a 550 error.
• As some of the email providers impose sending limitations, e.g. a maximum number of recipients per email or per hour. If the users exceed the limitation an error message 550 is occurred.
• If there is misconfiguration within the SMTP settings on the email client or server, it will lead to delivery failures, causing error code 550.
• Sometimes the content of your emails contains prohibited content which might be rejected by the recipient’s email server, causing an error code occurrence.
Steps to resolve Bigpond Email error code 550
• Always double-check and use the correct email address. Ensure there are no typos or error in the email address.
• The users have to confirm that they are using the correct configurations for outgoing mail server.
• Ensure not to exceed the limitations of recipient’s email. Check the Bigpond official support section for the limitation.
• The users have to check official website of Bigpond for the correct SMTP settings configuration on the email client or server.
• The email must not contain any prohibited content that is against the terms of the Bigpond.
By following these steps, you can resolve Bigpond email error code 550. If the above solution doesn’t help out, connect with the Bigpond customer care for further assistance and guidance.
More Info: https://www.bigpondonlineservice.com/blog/bigpond-customer-support-melbourne/
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