The Chronicle – Breaking news

The Chronicle – Breaking news

Peter Matika, [email protected]

IN line with the Heritage-based Education 5.0 model, three former National University of Science and Technology (Nust) students have established a web development company that specialises in the development and customisation of websites and mobile apps.

Education 5.0 is a five-mission model of teaching, research, community service, innovation and industrialisation, established to move the nation forward towards an innovation-led and knowledge-driven economy. It speaks to the utilisation of local resources for social and economic development.

The new model, which was adopted five years ago, seeks to produce graduates who solve national problems instead of just being job seekers.In 2018, President Mnangagwa set out a clear vision for higher and tertiary education. He enunciated that he wanted a human capital development sector that would contribute to national development.

The President wants to see higher and tertiary education institutions playing a more significant role in national development, and providing the essential knowledge and skills needed for the production of quality goods and services for the industrialisation and modernisation of the nation.

This meant moving away from old traditional ways of teaching and learning to build an innovation-led and knowledge-driven economy by 2025, as espoused in the National Development Strategy 1 (NDS 1).This way, the sector would significantly contribute towards the attainment of an upper-middle income economy by 2030.

The trio seeks to seek to penetrate the regional market.One of the directors of the company Mr Munashe Tombo said they established Goldenliq Web Development in 2021 soon after graduating from Nust where they studied informatics.

“Maxmillan Muchena, Vanrose Nyamangodo, and I established Goldenliq in 2021 and the company has quickly gained recognition in the industry.

With a portfolio boasting collaborations with 21 businesses, Goldenliq Web Development has successfully facilitated the online presence of various enterprises through content creation and visual enhancements,” said Mr Tombo.

He said the company’s core business is to unite businesses in the online realm and assist in enhancing corporate visibility, through online presence.

“Whether they are small ventures or large enterprises, in today’s technology-driven world, it is imperative for every business to establish a strong online presence to remain competitive. Our vision is to become one of Zimbabwe’s premier web development companies, renowned for our expertise and contributions to the industry,” said Mr Tombo.

“We aim to continuously expand our reach and provide unparalleled solutions to meet the evolving needs of our clients.”

Mr Tombo said they were inspired by Government’s decision to establish innovation hubs and industrial parks at the country’s State universities in pursuit of the heritage-based Education 5.0 model. “Government has shown commendable sincerity in setting up innovation hubs. This initiative is significant as it intends to direct higher and tertiary education in the country towards becoming actively involved in the revival of the country’s economy through the provision of technical and research-based solutions,” he said.

President Mnangagwa has said innovation hubs and industrial parks will propel Zimbabwe’s modernisation and industrialisation through the local production of goods and services.Universities with innovation hubs and industrial parks so far are the National University of Science and Technology, Midlands State University, University of Zimbabwe, Harare Institute of Technology (HIT), Zimbabwe Defence University, and the Chinhoyi University of Technology.

Mr Tombo said he believes in a paradigm shift that sees tertiary education playing a central role in developing appropriate home-bred innovations and technologies for the local sectors in line with Vision 2030. “While the wave of private sector-driven innovation hubs, including university-led innovation ones are still lagging behind, they are still on the right path. Most universities in Africa are churning out graduates who are equipped with theoretical aspects of entrepreneurship, which are only good enough for them to become job seekers,” he said.

Mr Tombo said they also deliver cutting-edge web development solutions that empower businesses to thrive in the digital landscape.Mr Muchena said the company also designs and develops visually captivating, responsive, and user-friendly websites that align with a client’s unique brand identities and objectives.“We understand the importance of a strong online presence, and it all starts with a memorable domain name. Our domain registration services allow you to secure your desired domain name quickly and hassle-free,” he said.

“As a trusted web hosting provider, we offer reliable and high-performance hosting solutions. With robust server infrastructure, ample storage, and scalable bandwidth options, we ensure that your website remains fast, secure, and available 24/7.”Miss Nyamangodo said: “We are actively seeking support to fuel our growth and expand our capabilities. By partnering with us, you can contribute to our success and be part of our journey towards becoming a leading web development company.”

She said through Government initiatives aimed at promoting innovation they are seeking to collaborate with like-minded individuals and organisations.

“By partnering with us, you can bring your expertise, resources or industry connections to the table. Together, we can create synergies, expand our reach, and deliver even more impactful web development projects,” said Miss Nyamangodo.

A local ICT expert Mr Tanaka Chinembiri said web development, hosting, cloud hosting, domain registration, and email hosting are in demand.

“They can enhance productivity, boost innovation, and improve service delivery in both the public and private sectors. There is also a high probability of increased economic development and the creation of jobs. What these three innovators have done is amazing and can propel the country to meet Vision 2030,” he said.

“There are also advantages of cloud computing such as traffic and uptime since we will now have our own dedicated servers in Zimbabwe thus less downtime.”

Mr Chinembiri said it also helps to create a user-friendly design interface, ease of navigation, and an SEO-friendly website.

“This helps us to reach more customers, boost sales, and increase revenue. With a well-designed website, businesses can engage with customers, build relationships, and increase brand awareness,” he said.

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