5 best Minecraft Hunger Games servers in 2023

5 best Minecraft Hunger Games servers in 2023

For those who have played the popular game Minecraft, you will be aware of how exciting and fun it can be. It is a sandbox game with many different aspects, allowing players to create their own worlds and experience them however they want. One of the best ways to enjoy this game is by playing on a Hunger Games server, where you can compete against other players to win different prizes, such as coins or items.

Fortunately for all of us — and especially those of us who dream of being trapped in an arena with other players and forced to fight to the death — plenty of servers provide this experience. Here are the top five picks for Minecraft’s best Hunger Games servers!

Note: This article is subjective and reflects the writer’s opinions.

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Hunger Games servers, like Hypixel, are meant to be a recreation of the “Hunger Games” movie series in Minecraft

5) MC Prison

IP address: mc.prisonfun.com

MC Prison is a unique server (Image via Mojang)Discord where you can learn more about it.

The owner of MC Prison has created an incredible Discord server where players can discuss any problems they might have with the game or ask questions about how things work on the server. Some moderators monitor this server so that no one gets bullied or harassed while using it. The community is impeccable, with over 100k+ members on the server.

MC Prison is an excellent option for those who don’t want a dull, ordinarily dedicated Hunger Games server with no meaningful consequences for winning or losing. The staff hosts Hunger Games events on this server, so you can win items on the prison server, making it seem much more fulfilling.

The primary prison game mode on this server is of the highest caliber. It will appeal to all new and old Minecraft players who want to enjoy the Hunger Games minigame while playing a more substantial and enduring game mode.

Average player count: 500-2,500

4) Advancius Network

IP address: mc.advancius.net

Advancius Network is a well-liked server (Image via Mojang)expert parkour abilities to complete.

Ask away if you have any questions regarding the server or how to play it effectively because the community is welcoming and supportive. Advancius Network is a fantastic minigame server with many other things to do besides being a tremendous Hunger Games server.

Average player count: 100-500

3) OG-Network

IP address: og-network.net

OG-Network is an enjoyable server (Image via Mojang)Gamster is an extremely popular server (Image via Mojang)cracked server with thousands of other players at any given time.

Average player count: 1,000-5,000

1) Hypixel

IP address: hypixel.net


Hypixel is an extensive network with many servers and players. It’s also one of the most popular Minecraft servers, so it’s no surprise they have one of the best Hunger Games game modes. If you want to play in a great environment where there are plenty of other people to compete against and interact with, this could be right up your alley.

The Hypixel server isn’t just about Hunger Games; they have many other games too! You can play SkyWars, Bedwars, Dropper, Murder Mystery, Skyblock…the list goes on and on! It’s hard not to find something fun here if you’re looking for more than Hunger Games gameplay.

Even though players can join thousands of publicly accessible Minecraft servers, very few match the level of gameplay Hypixel provides. With thousands of continuous players daily, Hypixel is regarded as the best of all Minecraft servers and rules in the multiplayer arena. No other server has since been able even to come close to matching this measure.

Average player count: 20,000-100,000

Tips and tricks for Minecraft Hunger Games servers


Tip 1

Every Hunger Games server in Minecraft features starting chests in the middle; the exact number and content vary based on the server. These chests may contain everything from food to armor and weapons. But every single thing is valuable.

If you go for this loot, you run the chance of being killed within the first few seconds of the game should one of these players get lucky and open the chest’s contents first, especially if they find a weapon inside one of the chests. If you don’t think you’re a fast enough looter and good enough at PvP, you may want to consider your life and run in the opposite direction from those chests!

Tip 2

Join forces with reliable players for assistance during the game. Give them something that will persuade them if they are afraid, like a weapon or armor. You should check the rules of the server you’re playing on first because teaming will not be permitted on all Hunger Games servers.

Tip 3

To kill another player, the ideal course of action is to approach a player covertly and start killing them from behind. So that they have less health than you have when they turn to protect themselves. If another player is close to a cliff, you might even try to shove them off the edge to kill them instantly.

Tip 4

In The Hunger Games, you will undoubtedly run into another player if you find yourself slowly looting or hanging out in an open area for a long time. If another player notices you sitting around, they can quickly swoop in and beat you to death with their sword. Camping and hiding can be a strategy in this game, but you must ensure no players can see where you hide.

Tip 5

Use a kit; most Hunger Games servers will often have these available for purchase with in-game money. Don’t pass it up even if you believe your PvP skills surpass other players. Receiving a kit can be the difference between surviving and dying, so figure out which kit is the best on the server you’re playing on.

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