11 Best WordPress Plugins for Cloning and Migration

11 Best WordPress Plugins for Cloning and Migration

WordPress is one of the most popular content management systems on the internet, and with good reason. The platform is flexible, easy to use, and fast.

Though the system has some great features right out of the box, several plugins can help improve your site’s functionality even more. 

How to clone and migrate your WordPress site? For seasoned WordPress users, it’s easy to do this independently, but there are many cases where you’d like to outsource the task to professionals.

How to do this? You’ll need the right best plugins WordPress for cloning and migration to get the job done.

In this article, we’ll outline the best WordPress plugins for cloning and migration designed specifically to help you with cloning and migration so that you can easily move your site from one hosting service to another (or simply duplicate your site).

So if you want an easy way to keep your WordPress site up-to-date, you’re right!

1. WP Clone

WP Clone is a plugin that enables you to clone your site with a single click. This tool is mainly used for migration purposes but can also be used to duplicate the website to get an updated version of the site. WP Clone makes the process of cloning and updating your website easy. 

The installation process is a breeze, and once installed, WP Clone will appear as an option on any page or post within your WordPress admin area.

Once selected, all you need to do is click Clone, and this plugin will take care of everything else for you. One downside of WP Clone is that it does not support HTTPS protocol connections.

2. WP Migrate DB Pro

These best plugins WordPress for cloning and migration will make your life easier, whether moving to a new domain or changing hosting providers.

WP Migrate DB Pro helps you move your data, users, and design with as little headache as possible.

It helps you move your site from one environment to another; all it takes is a few clicks, and It’s easy to use with a very intuitive interface.

These best plugins WordPress for cloning and migration allows you to copy over your themes, posts, pages, comments, plugins, widgets, and everything else in your database by going through the export process on the old site and importing it into the new site.

You don’t have to worry about manually copying your data because it will automatically do it. You can use it on any site, but its best feature is the ability to migrate from one installation of WordPress. In addition, it’s easy to use and does not require much technical knowledge. 

3. Duplicator Pro

Duplicator Pro is a plugin that does more than just clone your site. It’s one of the best plugins for cloning and migration because it allows you to copy posts, pages, settings, widgets, and more between sites. 

The plugin also has a built-in backup system that compresses your files into an archive file. It’s an all-in-one cloning solution.

There is no need for additional apps or third-party software. Duplicator Pro does everything you need to duplicate and migrate your site easily!

4. All-in-One WP Migration

All-in-One WP Migration is the best option if you’re looking for a plugin that will let you move your site from one domain to another.

These best plugins WordPress for cloning and migration can handle transferring content, databases, themes, plugins, and settings in addition to moving content between two domains.

It also has an intuitive interface with a backup wizard that will guide you through transferring everything from one site to another. 

The only downside is that this plugin requires its hosting account – so it’s not free like some other migration plugins are.

However, All-in-One WP Migration gives you a free trial period of 3 days – so if you’re unsure whether it will work for your needs, try it out before paying anything!

5. Migrate Guru Plugin

Migrate Guru are the best WordPress plugins for cloning and migration. These best plugins WordPress for cloning and migration lets you clone a site or copy it, so you can easily move all your content.

It also enables users to migrate their sites from one host to another without hassle. You can even migrate your site from one domain name to another!

Migrate Guru will save you time and make your life easier when moving your website from one place to another. With this great plugin, moving sites has never been easier.

So whether you want to move your blog across town or the globe – get ready to change things up and take charge of the process!

6. XCloner

If you’re looking for the best plugins WordPress for cloning and migration, you’ve come to the right place. XCloner is a plugin that allows users to clone their site to make backups of their website and move their website from one domain to another without any hassles.

The plugin will take care of all the complicated database queries, so you don’t have a hard time figuring out how it works.

It also takes care of updating URLs and domain mapping, so you don’t need any outside help when migrating your site.

7. JetPack Plugin

JetPack is a plugin that has a lot of value. It’s not limited to just one purpose but also provides some other helpful features. One of them is the ability to clone your site with ease easily.

These best plugins WordPress for cloning and migration are free and easy to use and can be found in your Plugins menu. 

After activating the plugin and going through the process, you’ll have a replica of your site on a new domain. The process of cloning sites with JetPack is quick and easy, which makes it one of the best plugins for this type of task!

8. BackupBuddy

BackupBuddy is the best WordPress plugin for cloning and migration that you can use to take a backup of your site, clone it in another location, and migrate your content.

If you want to move your site to another domain, BackupBuddy makes it easy. You can also import or export a site. These features make this tool one of the best WordPress plugins for cloning and migration.

9. WP All Export/Import Plugin

Migrating your website can be a tedious, time-consuming process. To avoid manually moving files around, it’s best to use an automated migration plugin.

All-in-One WP Migration will save you time and money by allowing you to transfer everything without the risk of losing data or breaking links. 

Plus, it supports all major database platforms, so whether you’re on MySQL or MariaDB, it won’t matter. You also can clone your site before migrating it over, in case you want two copies of it. We recommend giving this plugin a try before moving forward with anything else.

10. UpdraftPlus Premium

It’s perfect for anyone who wants more than just a backup of their site and wants to move it around. For example, you can migrate from shared hosting to VPS or vice versa or from one domain name registrar to another. 

This best WordPress plugins for cloning and migration also make restoring sites even easier. It has an automatic Dropbox installation that allows you to upload backups to the cloud without using Dropbox itself (although you’re free to use that too). This is a great choice if you need an automated workflow with consistent backups. Explore

11. BackWpup

BackWpup plugin is one of those you should explore if you’re looking for the most well-liked and best WordPress plugins for cloning and migrations. Both a free and paid version are available, and it provides simple backup.

It offers an intuitive user interface that enables scheduling backups. Additionally, BackWpup provides you with a number of choices for file encryption during symmetric and asymmetric backup processes.

It keeps backups in remote locations like Amazon S3, Dropbox, and other services. The backup file can also be sent by email or an FTP site.


Your blog is your baby, but it’s time to grow up. It’s time to move on from your old site, whether because you’ve outgrown the CMS or found a new platform that better suits your needs.

Migrating a WordPress site can be arduous if you don’t know what you’re doing, but fortunately, some plugins make this process much easier. 

You can explore any of these best plugins WordPress for cloning and migration in this post. These best WordPress plugins for cloning and migration will help save work hours with each clone–and they’ll do so without breaking a sweat!


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