What is Shared Hosting? – HotFrameworks

What is Shared Hosting? – HotFrameworks

A website is not of much use to you or your organization if it’s not accessible on the Internet. Web hosting services have been the engine behind the growth and development of the Internet. Before your website goes online however, you have to determine the type of web hosting that will be most appropriate for you. While you can always switch between different types of hosting plans, it is always preferable if you can get it right from the get go. 

Before we delve into shared hosting, let’s first talk about the definition of typical web hosting.

Like the name implies, shared hosting is a form of web hosting where multiple websites, sometimes in the thousands, are stored, configured and managed on one server. Each website on a shared hosting plan is assigned a proportion of the available storage space, processing power, memory and bandwidth. 

Shared hosting rides on the logic that there will be no point when all the websites on the web server will have equal amounts of traffic at the same time. The fluctuation of different websites’ bandwidth and computing resource use ensures optimal utilization of the shared infrastructure.

The user is responsible for creating, configuring and updating their website. On the other hand, the web host handles hardware maintenance, operating system patches, software updates, security updates and customer support. They also typically provide a raft of tools and tutorials that help and guide users on managing their websites.

A user can have multiple websites under their account, all within their allotted server space. The shared hosting fee is levied monthly, though there are usually discounts when you choose to pay quarterly, semi-annually, annually or every two to three years. Pricing plans are often tiered with extra features available for more premium plans.

Each web host has a terms and conditions document detailing what users are permitted to do and what is prohibited as well as the circumstances that could trigger account suspension. 

Before you subscribe to a shared hosting, know the pros and cons.

Shared hosting plans are ideal when you are starting out your business/website or when you are subscribing to a web hosting service for the first time. You can get your site up and running quickly. It should also be your first option if you do not have much web traffic or do not need large storage for your website files.

Before you decide to go for shared hosting, evaluate your website needs. While you can always upgrade or downgrade your subscription plan, you want to save money by starting off on the plan that is the best fit for your current needs. 

Also, shared hosting providers and plans are not a monolith. For starters, features will vary from one provider and plan to the next. Pay attention to uptimes as well before you settle on any one web host.


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