Market Communication for Utility – Connect MaCo with Your On-Premise Mail Server

Market Communication for Utility – Connect MaCo with Your On-Premise Mail Server

Configure the Cloud Connector

To connect from CPI to the on-premise mail server, we need to create a virtual mapping in the SAP Cloud Connector. In the following we will create a mapping that allows us to connect via startTLS and IMAPS.


Add subaccount in Cloud Connector

connect your cloud connector you MaCo cloud

! The location ID you configured here is very import, it will be used in future “Configure Email Server”, give it a meaningful name.


Create a virtual mapping for startTLS

For a StartTLS connection we will create a mapping with TCP protocol to our on-premise mail server. For the virutal host we will use the same hostname as the actual host to avoid mismatches of the host and the hostname in the certificate during the handshake.



Create a virtual mapping  for IMAPS

For our IMAPS connection we create another virtual mapping. This time we will create a mapping with TCP SSL and the SSL port 993.


Configure Email Receiving Connection

Now we will configure the Data exchange email receiving connection to the on-premise mail server. To do so we will use the on-premise proxy and the virtual hosts defined in the SAP Cloud Connector.

StartTLS, Port 143

In the Maco data exchange email receiving connection, we will use the following configuration. For the address we are use the virtual host and port that we defined during the mapping-creation in the SAP Cloud Connector.

  • configure email server


  • configure email connection


IMAPS, Port 993

For IMAPS we use the following configuration.

  • configure email server


  • configure email connection, with protection = off


Setup trust

To establish a secure communication between client and server, the client requires the server certificate in its truststore.

Setup trust for StartTLS

For the StartTLS configuration, the handshake is done between Maco and the mail server. To set up the trust in Maco, you need to ensure that the trustchain can be validated. This requires to import the root to Maco. How to import the certificates to Maco is described in this blog post.

Setup trust for IMAPS

For the IMAPS configuration, the handshake will be done between the Cloud Connector and the mail server. To set up the trust in cloud connector the root- and all intermediate certificates need to be imported in the Cloud Connector truststore. The truststore is available in the Configuration – On Premise.

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