Apache vs LiteSpeed: Servers Comparison for WordPress | Taiwan News

Apache vs LiteSpeed: Servers Comparison for WordPress | Taiwan News

Apache and LiteSpeed are both popular web server software options used for hosting websites, including WordPress sites. While Apache has been around for a long time and is widely used, LiteSpeed has gained popularity in recent years for its enhanced performance and efficiency.

Apache is an open-source web server software known for its flexibility and compatibility. It has a robust feature set, extensive module support, and wide community support. Apache uses a process-based architecture, where each incoming request is handled by a separate process. While this allows for flexibility, it can also consume more server resources and affect performance, especially under high traffic loads.

On the other hand, LiteSpeed is a high-performance, commercial web server software designed to be a drop-in replacement for Apache. It aims to provide better performance and scalability while maintaining compatibility with Apache configurations. In terms of WordPress hosting, LiteSpeed has several advantages over Apache. It offers built-in caching solutions, such as LiteSpeed Cache for WordPress, which can significantly improve the loading speed of WordPress sites. LiteSpeed also provides better performance when handling PHP requests, allowing WordPress websites to handle more concurrent users efficiently.

The Apache HTTP Server Project, commonly known as Apache, is an open-source web server software project that provides a powerful and flexible platform for hosting websites. It is one of the most widely used web server software options in the world.

Apache is known for its stability, performance, and compatibility. It supports various operating systems, including Unix-based systems (such as Linux and FreeBSD), Windows, macOS, and more. has a modular architecture, which allows users to extend its functionality by adding or removing modules as needed.

Overall, the Apache HTTP Server Project is a foundational component of the modern web, providing a reliable and feature-rich web server software that powers a significant portion of websites on the internet.

You can more read about  Apache vs Nginx

What is LiteSpeed Web Server?

LiteSpeed Web Server is a high-performance, commercial web server software developed by LiteSpeed Technologies. It is designed to be a drop-in replacement for the Apache web server, offering enhanced performance and efficiency while maintaining compatibility with Apache configurations.

LiteSpeed Web Server uses an event-driven architecture, which allows it to handle a large number of concurrent connections with minimal resource usage. This architecture enables faster response times and improved overall server performance compared to traditional process-based servers like Apache.

It’s important to note that while LiteSpeed Web Server is a commercial product, there is a free version available called LiteSpeed OpenLiteSpeed, which offers basic hosting capabilities.

Apache Features and Performance

Apache HTTP Server, commonly referred to as Apache, is a widely used open-source web server software known for its robust features and reliable performance.

 Here are some key features and performance aspects of Apache:


 Apache has a modular architecture, allowing users to extend its functionality by adding or removing modules as needed. There is a vast library of modules available, offering features such as SSL/TLS encryption, URL rewriting, proxying, caching, authentication, and more. This modularity provides flexibility and customization options for various web hosting needs.


Apache is compatible with multiple operating systems, including Unix-based systems like Linux and FreeBSD, Windows, macOS, and more. This cross-platform compatibility enables users to deploy Apache on a wide range of servers.


Apache is known for its stability and robustness. It has a proven track record and has been widely adopted by millions of websites worldwide. Its stability is attributed to rigorous testing, frequent updates, and a large community of developers and users who contribute to its improvement and security.


Apache is designed to deliver reliable performance, particularly in handling concurrent connections and high-traffic loads. While its process-based architecture may consume more server resources compared to event-driven servers like LiteSpeed, Apache’s performance can be optimized through configuration tweaks, efficient use of caching mechanisms, and load-balancing techniques.

Community and Support:

Apache has a vibrant and active community of developers and users. This community provides extensive documentation, forums, mailing lists, and online resources to assist users in troubleshooting issues, sharing knowledge, and obtaining support.

Extensive Module Support:

Apache boasts a wide range of modules contributed by the community, enabling users to enhance their web server’s functionality and adapt it to their specific requirements. These modules cover various areas such as security, performance optimization, content management systems, database integration, and more.

Virtual Hosting:

Apache supports virtual hosting, allowing multiple websites to be hosted on a single server. It provides options for both IP-based and name-based virtual hosting, making it a suitable choice for shared hosting environments or scenarios where multiple websites need to be hosted on the same server.


Apache offers several security features and configurations to protect web servers and applications from vulnerabilities and attacks. It supports SSL/TLS encryption, various authentication mechanisms, access control, and the ability to set security policies at the server or directory level.

 Apache is a feature-rich and reliable web server software with a strong track record in the industry. Its flexibility, compatibility, stability, and extensive module support make it a popular choice for hosting websites of all sizes, from small personal blogs to large-scale enterprise applications. By fine-tuning its configuration and utilizing appropriate modules, Apache can deliver solid performance and meet the demands of diverse web hosting environments.

Litespeed Features and Performance

LiteSpeed Web Server is a commercial web server software known for its high performance and advanced features.

 Here are some key features and performance aspects of LiteSpeed:

Event-Driven Architecture:

LiteSpeed Web Server utilizes an event-driven architecture, allowing it to handle a large number of concurrent connections efficiently. This architecture minimizes resource usage and enables faster response times compared to traditional process-based servers.

Improved Performance:

LiteSpeed Web Server is designed for optimal performance. It employs various techniques such as efficient memory management, intelligent caching, and optimized handling of PHP requests to deliver faster and more responsive web experiences. LiteSpeed’s caching solutions, like LiteSpeed Cache for WordPress, significantly enhance the loading speed of dynamic content.

HTTP/3 and HTTP/2 Support:

LiteSpeed Web Server supports the latest HTTP protocols, including HTTP/3 (QUIC) and HTTP/2. These protocols bring performance improvements, reduced latency, and enhanced security to web communications.

WebSocket Support:

LiteSpeed Web Server provides native support for WebSocket, allowing real-time, two-way communication between the server and the client. This feature is particularly useful for applications that require instant updates, such as chat systems, gaming, and collaborative tools.

SSL/TLS Acceleration:

LiteSpeed Web Server includes built-in SSL/TLS acceleration, which improves the performance of secure connections. It offloads CPU-intensive encryption and decryption tasks, resulting in faster and more efficient SSL/TLS communication.

Advanced Security Features:

LiteSpeed Web Server offers a range of security features to protect websites from various threats. It includes built-in DDoS protection, IP access control, bandwidth throttling, and rules-based security policies. LiteSpeed’s security features help safeguard websites and maintain a secure hosting environment.

LiteSpeed Cache:

LiteSpeed Web Server incorporates its own caching system, LiteSpeed Cache. This caching solution is specifically designed for dynamic content, such as WordPress websites. It significantly boosts website performance by caching dynamic content at the server level, reducing the load on backend resources.


LiteSpeed Web Server is designed to scale efficiently, making it suitable for high-traffic websites and applications. It’s efficient resource utilization and event-driven architecture allow it to handle a large number of concurrent connections without sacrificing performance.

Control Panel Integrations:

LiteSpeed Web Server integrates with popular control panels like cPanel and DirectAdmin, providing a seamless experience for server administrators. These integrations allow for easy management and configuration of LiteSpeed Web Server within the familiar control panel interfaces.

LiteSpeed Web Server offers high-performance web hosting with advanced features tailored for optimized speed, scalability, and security. Its event-driven architecture, support for modern protocols, efficient caching mechanisms, and robust security measures make it an attractive choice for hosting demanding websites and applications.

Why LiteSpeed is Better

LiteSpeed Web Server has several key advantages that make it a preferred choice over other web server software like Apache. Firstly, its superior performance sets it apart. Thanks to its event-driven architecture and optimized handling of PHP requests, LiteSpeed excels at efficiently managing high-traffic loads. Scalability is another area where LiteSpeed shines. It’s efficient resource utilization and event-driven architecture enables it to handle large numbers of concurrent users without sacrificing performance.

One of the standout features of LiteSpeed is its compatibility with Apache. It can seamlessly replace Apache in existing configurations, supporting Apache modules, configurations, and rewrite rules without requiring major modifications. This compatibility ensures a smooth transition for users, eliminating potential compatibility issues and minimizing the effort required to switch to LiteSpeed.

LiteSpeed Web Server offers a range of advanced features that contribute to its superiority. It supports the latest protocols like HTTP/3 and WebSocket, enabling improved communication and real-time capabilities. Its SSL/TLS acceleration optimizes secure connections, while built-in security measures protect websites from various threats.

Efficient resource utilization is a notable advantage of LiteSpeed. It consumes fewer server resources compared to other web server software, making it highly efficient and cost-effective. With LiteSpeed, websites can handle higher traffic loads while requiring fewer server resources, resulting in cost savings and better resource management.

LiteSpeed Technologies provides robust support and actively maintains LiteSpeed Web Server. Regular updates, bug fixes, and security patches ensure its reliability and security. 

LiteSpeed Web Server includes LiteSpeed Cache, a powerful caching solution tailored for dynamic content, such as WordPress websites. This feature significantly boosts website performance by caching dynamic content at the server level, reducing the load on backend resources and delivering faster page loading times.

While LiteSpeed Web Server offers numerous advantages, it’s essential to consider individual needs, preferences, and specific hosting requirements. Apache, as an open-source solution, has its own strengths and a large user community. Assessing factors like the nature of the website or application, expected traffic, server environment, and available resources will help determine the most suitable web server software for a particular scenario.

LiteSpeed vs Apache: Which is Better?

Determining whether LiteSpeed or Apache is better depends on specific needs, preferences, and the requirements of the hosting environment. Both web server software has their own strengths and considerations.

Here’s a comparison to help make an informed decision:

LiteSpeed Web Server:


LiteSpeed is renowned for its exceptional performance. Its event-driven architecture and optimized handling of PHP requests allow it to efficiently manage high traffic loads and deliver fast response times.


LiteSpeed is compatible with Apache configurations, making it a seamless drop-in replacement for Apache. This compatibility ensures a smooth transition without requiring significant modifications.


LiteSpeed’s efficient resource utilization and event-driven architecture make it highly scalable, and capable of handling large numbers of concurrent connections and traffic spikes.

Advanced Features:

LiteSpeed supports the latest protocols like HTTP/3 and WebSocket, providing improved performance and real-time capabilities. It also includes SSL/TLS acceleration and built-in security features for enhanced security.

LiteSpeed Cache:

LiteSpeed Web Server offers LiteSpeed Cache, a powerful caching solution specifically designed for dynamic content like WordPress websites. This caching mechanism significantly improves website performance.

Commercial License:

LiteSpeed Web Server is a commercial product, so it may involve licensing costs for certain usage scenarios.

Apache HTTP Server:

Popularity and Community:

 Apache has a long-standing history and a vast community of developers and users. It is widely adopted, extensively tested, and benefits from a robust support ecosystem.


Apache’s modular architecture allows users to customize and extend its functionality using a vast library of available modules. This flexibility enables tailored configurations for diverse hosting requirements.


Apache is compatible with various operating systems and supports a wide range of programming languages and technologies.


Apache is renowned for its stability and reliability. It has been widely used for years, and its maturity is reflected in its stability and well-established practices.

Open Source:

Apache is open-source software, meaning it is freely available and benefits from an active community contributing to its development, updates, and bug fixes.

Ultimately, the choice between LiteSpeed and Apache depends on factors such as performance requirements, compatibility needs, scalability considerations, desired features, and budget constraints. It can be helpful to evaluate specific use cases, consult with hosting providers, and consider the support and resources available for each option to make an informed decision.


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