Teekay partners withSulNOx to pilot greener fuel conditioner

Teekay partners withSulNOx to pilot greener fuel conditioner

Teekay Corporation, the 2023 ShipTek Tanker Operator of the Year, has agreed to pilot SulNOxEco Fuel Conditioner, developed by the UK’s SulNOx Group PLC. Last month Constantine Logothetis, co-founder of Lomar Shipping owner Libra Group, acquired a 16.3% stake in SulNOx.

The pilot highlights Teekay’s ambition to decarbonise and lead shipping’s immediate efforts in the global energy transition.

SulNOxEco Fuel Conditioner provides an immediate solution to the shipping sector to reduce fuel consumption, emissions and pollution from widely-used hydrocarbon liquid fuels. Key benefits are extensively supported by verifications and tests by independent bodies and academia, case studies and testimonials.

Recently verified successes include tests by a vessel owner on a 4-stroke engine, which showed an average reduction in fuel consumption of 10.5% over three months, leading to an expansion and roll out to other vessels.

Separately, independent engine emissions monitoring specialist Green Sea Guard B.V. (GSG), completed a one-year test programme on a superyacht showing reductions in black carbon and particulate matter of over 99%.

Improved fuel efficiency is achieved by virtually fully combusting what would otherwise have been unburnt fuel normally emitted as particulate matter. Further benefits include improved lubricity, as verified by VPS at an average of over 17% on top of the strong detergency component which keeps engine systems clean. Combined, these make a very significant difference to friction and efficiency losses. Studies and long-term tests have also shown lower operating pressures and temperatures indicating improved engine health and, importantly, lower NOx production.

Commenting on the pilot, Jimmy Redman, inventor of the SulNOxEco Fuel Conditioner and co-founder of SulNOx Group PLC, said:

“Teekay are a forward-thinking, established and globally recognised shipping company and we are pleased they have agreed to work with SulNOx as part of their sustainability drive.

SulNOxEco Fuel Conditioner is also supported by embedded DNA, provided by Forecast Technology Limited (FTL), making the product ‘smart’ to provide further solutions.

Stuart Hall of FTL added:

“I have been working closely with SulNOx where Forecast Technology provides a DNA code, known as a Tag, which effectively ‘fingerprints’ treated fuel. This facilitates fuel traceability and transparency, potentially carbon credits, CII rating, the protection of local waters and provide proof of pollution innocence.”

Nicholas Fairfax, Non-Executive Director and Head of Marine at SulNOx Group, said:

“The shipping sector is under enormous pressure to reduce its environmental impact with its enhanced targets recently adopted at Marine Environment Protection Committee (MEPC 80) at the International Maritime Organisation as part of the IMO GHG Strategy.

“Efficiency is key to transition to ‘net zero’ and this is where SulNOx can have significant impact whilst liquid hydrocarbon fuels are used on a mass-scale, by optimising the combustion process and reducing fuel consumption, emissions and black carbon.

“The combination of having global scalability, fuel compliance certifications, little or no need for upfront capital expenditure and with significant net cost savings on offer, make SulNOx’s solutions very compelling for shipping and beyond.”
Source: SulNOx Group PLC


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