Steam Workshop::Lonesome Road Main – CoH Gaming Server

Steam Workshop::Lonesome Road Main – CoH Gaming Server

This is an unofficial repack for server stability and to allow for scheduled mod updates; all credit goes to the original mod authors. Due to game server limitations, ID’s must be shortened and no mod code has been changed. You should not use this modpack unless you are joining CoH Gaming Lonesome Road RP-PvP!

As per the guidelines of TIS all credit goes to the developers and the unmodified mods used can be referenced

If you are the creator of mods that are in this modpack, but you don’t want it there, leave a comment about it and I’ll remove your work from the modpack. We comply with all DMCA takedown requests and strive to respect the work of others.


Packing into a mod pack stops our server/clients from having an unexpected mismatch due to updates and is easier for us to manage. It is also an extra layer of testing and compatibility testing for our server if we can choose when to update. On this note, we update the mod pack(s) EVERY day at 12:00 MST when the server restarts.

This pack is intended for CoH Gaming Servers. If you use this pack elsewhere, you do so at your own risk!
Please do not ask us or the mod developers for support for this repack, as we may have an older or altered versions of other mods.

If you like the mods listed then please upvote their mod page, links in the credits.

Workshop ID: 2824487245
Mod ID: M135
Mod ID: 50PercentLessLoot
Mod ID: 75PercentLessFoodLoot
Mod ID: M84
Mod ID: M156
Mod ID: M50;
Mod ID: M94
Mod ID: M67
Mod ID: M9
Mod ID: M140
Mod ID: M17
Mod ID: M138
Mod ID: M134
Mod ID: M66
Mod ID: BSSmorgasbord
Mod ID: M103
Mod ID: M61
Mod ID: M104
Mod ID: M141
Mod ID: CollectibleCarsfhq
Mod ID: M47
Mod ID: M54
Mod ID: M92
Mod ID: M3
Mod ID: M111
Mod ID: cropsNeverRot
Mod ID: M53
Mod ID: M123
Mod ID: M139
Mod ID: M8
Mod ID: M142
Mod ID: M4
Mod ID: M81
Mod ID: M70
Mod ID: M55
Mod ID: M65
Mod ID: M102
Mod ID: M7
Mod ID: M23
Mod ID: M82
Mod ID: FactionMap
Mod ID: M64
Mod ID: M11
Mod ID: M37
Mod ID: M76
Mod ID: bmacGloveboxRepair
Mod ID: M24
Mod ID: Hydrocraft
Mod ID: M154
Mod ID: M19
Mod ID: M79
Mod ID: M38
Mod ID: M129
Mod ID: M86
Mod ID: ItemTweakerAPI
Mod ID: M77
Mod ID: iverytiles_01
Mod ID: M28
Mod ID: M115
Mod ID: KillCount
Mod ID: M10
Mod ID: M60
Mod ID: M144
Mod ID: M78
Mod ID: M71
Mod ID: M48
Mod ID: M155
Mod ID: manageContainers
Mod ID: ModManager
Mod ID: modoptions
Mod ID: MoodleFramework
Mod ID: M16
Mod ID: ToadTraits
Mod ID: ToadTraitsDynamic
Mod ID: M41
Mod ID: M97
Mod ID: MoreLockManagementSA
Mod ID: msqol42lib
Mod ID: msqol42moreinfo
Mod ID: msqol42tweaks
Mod ID: M100
Mod ID: M96
Mod ID: M99
Mod ID: M106
Mod ID: pkmn
Mod ID: PlayerConnectionMessage
Mod ID: PlayerDeathMessage
Mod ID: ProfessionFramework
Mod ID: M143
Mod ID: ProximityInventory
Mod ID: ProximityInventoryZombonly
Mod ID: M127
Mod ID: radialmenuapi
Mod ID: RebalancedCalorieBurning
Mod ID: M27
Mod ID: M130
Mod ID: M112
Mod ID: M128
Mod ID: M32
Mod ID: M1
Mod ID: M2
Mod ID: M132
Mod ID: sapphcooking
Mod ID: M109
Mod ID: SchizophreniaTrait
Mod ID: M80
Mod ID: M145
Mod ID: M136
Mod ID: M105
Mod ID: simpleStatus
Mod ID: M49
Mod ID: M147
Mod ID: M50
Mod ID: SGarden-Homestead
Mod ID: Susceptible
Mod ID: M121
Mod ID: M158
Mod ID: M40
Mod ID: TsarcraftCache2
Mod ID: M51
Mod ID: M56
Mod ID: M26
Mod ID: M119
Mod ID: M101
Mod ID: M45
Mod ID: M25
Mod ID: UdderlyCellFileLister
Mod ID: UIMod
Mod ID: M107
Mod ID: M133
Mod ID: M18
Mod ID: VehicleRepairOverhaul
Mod ID: VehicleTweakerAPI
Mod ID: M12
Mod ID: VPR_RecyclingCenter
Mod ID: M91
Mod ID: M118
Mod ID: M157
Mod ID: M153
Mod ID: M125
Mod ID: M20
Mod ID: M6
Map Folder: AZSpawn

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