Shared Hosting Vs. Dedicated Hosting: What’s the Difference?

Shared Hosting Vs. Dedicated Hosting: What’s the Difference?

  • Shared Hosting
    All reputable data centers now have pretty robust cybersecurity measures in place, and it’s rare to hear of major hacks of popular platforms.
    That being said, shared hosting does present a relatively higher security risk due to the fact that space is shared.
  • Dedicated Hosting
    Dedicated servers offer the ultimate in security. Your website is on its own private server, isolated from potential attacks on other sites.

Dedicated Hosting

Security is fully customizable when you opt for dedicated hosting. You’ll usually find multiple security layers provided by the data host on top of any additional measures you choose to put in place.


  • Shared Hosting
    You’ll have almost no control over the applications on your shared server. This is by design and aimed at helping newbies manage their sites.
  • Dedicated Hosting
    Dedicated hosting allows you extensive control and customization options. You can add any compatible application to your server, install your own security measures, change the source code and do just about any web development activities you can think of.

Dedicated Hosting

Dedicated hosting passes over full control of your server management, allowing you to make any tweaks and changes you’d like.

Server Administration

  • Shared Hosting
    Those on shared hosting plans will never need to interact with their servers at all. The administration is fully covered by your data host and will be responsible for applying any fixes, security updates and uptime.
    This is great for beginners or those that simply want a hands-off approach.
  • Dedicated Hosting
    Dedicated hosting is very different as you’ll be responsible for a lot more of the administration. You’ll need to make sure security patches are kept up to date and rebooting when there’s a problem.


Both cater to very different needs meaning we can’t pick a definitive winner here.


  • Shared Hosting
    With restrictions applied on your bandwidth by your hosting provider, you’ll need to plan to upscale well in advance of any website growth.
  • Dedicated Hosting
    Dedicated hosting is very easily scalable since you’re not competing with anyone else for resources.
    You have total control over the amount of bandwidth and processing power you want. However, this can become quite expensive.

Dedicated Hosting

Dedicated servers usually come with huge resources behind them and can be easily scaled.


  • Shared Hosting
    Shared hosting is definitely cheap. Many customers are drawn in by monthly costs ranging from $6 -$15 and are surprised at just how much functionality they get for such low prices.
    Shared hosting is a very low-risk investment for newbies.
  • Dedicated Hosting
    Dedicated servers can be relatively expensive to own and operate: the most affordable dedicated hosting planscan run into $80 per month.
    You have to remember though, this type of hosting is specifically designed for large enterprises with the budgets to match.

Shared Hosting

Shared hosting is by far the cheaper of the two. Ideal for small businesses and beginners.


  • Shared Hosting
    Shared hosting couldn’t be more user-friendly. Virtually anyone can sign up to an account and have their first website designed and live in just a few hours.
  • Dedicated Hosting
    Dedicated hosting is very much at the opposite end of the scale when it comes to complexity.
    You’ll need expertise in cybersecurity, web development, coding, server maintenance and to know what you’re doing with root access.

Dedicated Hosting

Dedicated hosting requires a lot of prior knowledge and experience to operate effectively.
Shared hosting is by far the most user friendly, making it our winner here.

Customer Support

  • Shared Hosting
    You’ll have 24/7 access to a team of experts ready to answer any queries you might have. Your hosting provider will have set service level agreements to meet on every support ticket raised, and you can usually expect fast response times.
  • Dedicated Hosting
    Since you’ll be expected to take on a lot of the day-to-day management of your own servers, customer support might be more limited when using dedicated hosting.

Shared Hosting

Shared hosting takes this one simply because you’re expected to do so much more of the management yourself if you go the dedicated route.

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