How to setup Odoo Outgoing Email Server to use Google Workspace?

How to setup Odoo Outgoing Email Server to use Google Workspace?

Step 1: Log in as an administrator to your Odoo instance.

Step 2: Go to “Settings” > “General Settings” > “Custom Email Servers” (under the “Discuss” section). Enable the checkbox and input the alias domain as shown below:

Configure Custom Email Server

Step 3: Go to Google App Password and log in to your Google Workspace account. You will get this view shown below. Select app as “Other (Custom Name)”.

Google App Password

Step 4: Now give it a name and press “Generate” to generate the password.

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Generating an App Password

Step 5: Your app password is generated. Copy this password and keep it safely for further use.

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Generated App Password

Step 6: Go to the admin panel of your Google Workspace and create a new user with the following

Step 7: Navigate to Apps > Google Workspace > Gmail. Select “Default Routing” and then click on “Configure” to add a new catchall setting.

Step 8: Change the selection to “All Recipients”. After that enable the “Change envelope recipient” then choose “Replace recipient enter catchall email address for your Odoo instance. Finally, save the configuration.

Step 9: Come back to your Odoo instance. Go to “Settings” > “General Settings” > “Activate the Developer Mode”. Now go to “Technical” > “Outgoing Mail Server”. Create an Outgoing Mail Server.

Step 10: Configure the “Outgoing Mail Server” as shown below. Password should be the password that you generated using Google App Password.

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Odoo Outgoing Mail Server

Step 11: Save the configuration. Click on “Test Connection” button. If you get a “Success” response, then Congratulations! You have successfully set up your Odoo Mail Server to use Google Workspace. If the connection fails, recheck all the steps above.

Stay Happy!

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