How to Setup Email Server on VPS: A Comprehensive Guide

How to Setup Email Server on VPS: A Comprehensive Guide

For professional businesses such as engineers, architects, lawyers, and other service providers, setting up an email server on a VPS is a critical step for efficient communication. In this comprehensive guide on how to set up an email server on VPS, we will walk you through each step of the process to ensure your business maintains efficient and secure communication. As an additional point, if you’re looking the set up a bulk email server, we can also provide recommendations to ensure your data is always safe and secure.

We’ll begin by discussing the importance of choosing a reliable VPS provider with additional features like Memcached and WatchDog. Next, we’ll cover configuring DNS records for your domain using A records or CNAME alternatives.

Moving forward, we’ll delve into securing your email server with SSL certificates to protect sensitive information during transmission. We will also explore managing emails within SPanel by creating new accounts and adjusting settings such as passwords or forwarding configurations.

Lastly, our guide will provide insights into integrating third-party mail clients like Apple Mail or Gmail with self-hosted servers. Furthermore, implementing SPF (Sender Policy Framework), DKIM (DomainKeys Identified Mail), and DMARC (Domain-based Message Authentication Reporting & Conformance) records for enhanced security and deliverability along with modifying PTR (Pointer) record settings will be discussed in detail.

This extensive resource aims to equip professionals with all the necessary knowledge required for successfully setting up their own secure and efficient email server on a virtual private server.

Table of Contents:

Installing CyberPanel on VPS

To set up an email server on a Virtual Private Server (VPS), start by installing CyberPanel. This control panel offers options like adding memory-caching systems Memcached and WatchDog for better performance and security during the installation process. Let’s discuss some crucial aspects to consider while choosing a VPS provider and additional features.

Choosing a Reliable VPS Provider

Selecting a trustworthy VPS provider is essential, as it directly impacts your email server’s performance, uptime, and security. Consider factors such as pricing plans, available resources (RAM, CPU cores), scalability options, and customer support quality, as well as data center locations before making your decision.

Opting for Additional Features like Memcached and WatchDog

  • Memcached: A high-performance distributed memory caching system that speeds up web applications by reducing database load. It can be easily installed alongside CyberPanel to enhance your email server’s overall efficiency.
  • WatchDog: An automated monitoring tool designed to protect servers from potential threats such as DDoS attacks or malware infections. Integrating WatchDog with CyberPanel ensures optimal security measures are in place for your email infrastructure.

By choosing a reliable VPS provider and opting for additional features like Memcached and WatchDog, you can ensure that your email server is secure, efficient, and performs optimally.

Installing CyberPanel on VPS is a great way to get started with your own email server. Configuring the DNS records for your domain is essential to guarantee successful transmission and receipt of emails.

Configuring DNS Records for Your Domain

For your VPS to host an email server, it is essential to set up the DNS records for your domain accurately. This ensures that your domain points correctly to your VPS and enables seamless communication between clients and the server. There are two main methods of achieving this: using A records or a combination of A and CNAME records.

Creating Records for Mail Servers

An A record, short for Address record, maps a domain name to its corresponding IP address. To create an A record, you need to access the DNS management panel provided by your domain registrar or hosting provider. You should create two separate A records – one pointing to ‘’ and another pointing directly at ‘’.

Using CNAME Records as an Alternative

If you prefer not to use multiple A records, you can opt for a single CNAME record. In this case, create an A record pointing at ‘,’ then add a CNAME record with ‘’ as its alias. This method allows you to easily manage both domains while maintaining proper routing configurations.

Configuring DNS Records for Your Domain is a critical step in setting up your email server, and ensuring that it can be accessed securely by all users. Protecting the data of both you and your customers from online threats can be achieved through SSL Certificates for your email server.

Securing Your Email Server with SSL Certificates

Ensuring data privacy and improving deliverability rates are crucial aspects of setting up an email server. Installing SSL certificates should be prioritized during setup, providing encryption between clients and the server while exchanging emails.

Importance of SSL Certificates in Email Communication

SSL certificates, or Secure Sockets Layer certificates, play a vital role in safeguarding sensitive information exchanged through email servers. They establish a secure connection by encrypting the data transmitted between users’ devices and your VPS-based mail server. This ensures that any intercepted messages remain unreadable to unauthorized parties.

Steps to Obtain and Install SSL Certificates

  1. Select a reputable Certificate Authority (CA) like Let’s Encrypt, which offers free SSL/TLS certificates for websites and email servers.
  2. Generate a request for the signing of your domain’s certificate by providing the necessary details on the CA website after setting up an account.
  3. The CA will verify your domain ownership before issuing you an SSL certificate file (.crt).
  4. Login to the CyberPanel dashboard, navigate to ‘SSL > MailServer SSL,’ and upload the received certificate files, including private key (.key), chain bundle (.ca-bundle), or intermediate certificate(s).
  5. Fulfill any additional requirements specified by your chosen CA for a successful installation.

By following these steps, you can ensure that your email server is secure and that your client’s data is protected. Installing SSL certificates is a crucial step in setting up an email server, and it should not be overlooked.

To guarantee the safety of communication between you and your patrons, obtaining SSL certificates for your email server is a must. With SPanel, managing emails within this secure environment becomes a breeze; let’s take a look at how to create new accounts and adjust account settings accordingly.

Managing Emails within SPanel

After securing your email server, it’s time to create and manage VPS emails within SPanel. This intuitive control panel allows you to easily set up new email accounts, change passwords, and configure forwarding settings if required. In this section, we will discuss the process of creating new email accounts using SPanel and adjusting account settings such as password changes or forwarding configurations.

Creating New Email Accounts Using SPanel

To create a new email account in SPanel, follow these simple steps:

  1. Login to your SPanel dashboard with your credentials.
  2. Navigate to the “Email” section on the left-hand side menu.
  3. Select “Create Email” from the dropdown options.
  4. In the form that appears, enter an appropriate username for your new email address (e.g., john. doe).
  5. Select your domain name from the available list of domains associated with your VPS.
  6. Create a strong password for this account or use the built-in password generator tool provided by SPanel for added security measures.
  7. Click on the “Create Account” button at the bottom of the page when all fields are filled out correctly – voila. Your brand-new custom mailbox has been successfully created.

Adjusting Account Settings Such as Password Changes or Forwarding Configurations

Sometimes you may need to update certain aspects of existing mailboxes like changing their passwords or setting up automatic forwards; fortunately managing these tasks is easy by following the instructions below:

  • Login into SPanel once more then head over towards the ‘Email’ tab located within the left-hand navigation menu.
  • Navigate to the ‘Email’ tab in the s-panel and select “Email Accounts” to display a list of all email accounts associated with your VPS and domain.
  • Find the account you wish to modify, and click on the gear icon located next to it. This will open up a settings panel for that specific email address.
  • To change the password, simply enter a new one in the provided field or use SPanel’s built-in password generator tool for added security measures. Click “Save Changes” when done.
  • If you need to configure forwarding settings, select “Forwarders” from within the same section then follow the prompts accordingly – ensuring any desired recipients are entered correctly before finalizing changes by clicking the ‘Add Forwarder’ button at the bottom right corner.

In addition to managing individual email accounts through SPanel, professional businesses like engineers, architects, lawyers, and other service providers can also take advantage of advanced features such as group management tools or automatic spam filtering options available via this powerful control panel solution offered by Herrod Tech – helping companies streamline their IT infrastructure while maintaining top-notch performance standards across the board.

Managing emails within SPanel can be a tedious process, but with the right knowledge and guidance, it is possible to create accounts and adjust settings quickly. To take email hosting to the next level, integrating third-party mail clients such as Apple Mail or Gmail allows for greater control over your own server setup.

Key Takeaway: 

The article explains how to set up an email server on a VPS using SPanel. It provides step-by-step instructions for creating new email accounts, changing passwords, and configuring forwarding settings within the control panel. The article also highlights the benefits of using Herrod Tech’s advanced features such as group management tools and automatic spam filtering options for professional businesses.

Integrating Third-party Mail Clients

Once your email server is set up and secured, you may want to integrate it with third-party mail clients such as Apple Mail or Gmail. This allows for seamless communication between platforms while maintaining top-notch security standards at all times. In this section, we will discuss how to configure both Apple Mail and Gmail to work alongside your self-hosted VPS-based email server.

Setting up Apple Mail with VPS-based servers

  1. Open the ‘Mail’ application on your Mac device.
  2. Select ‘Add Account’ from the ‘File’ menu.
  3. In the window that appears, choose ‘Other Mail Account…’ and click on Continue.
  4. Enter your name, full email address (e.g., [email protected]), and password related to the account made in SPanel then press Sign In.
  5. You’ll be prompted for additional information; enter the following details:
    • Email Address: Your full email address ([email protected]).
    • User Name: The same as Email Address
    • Password: The password associated with this account in SPanel
    • Account Type: IMAP.
    • Incoming Server & Outgoing Server: Enter “” replacing “” with your actual domain name.
  6. Click Sign In once more after entering these details correctly. You should now have successfully integrated Apple Mail with your VPS-based email server.

Configuring Gmail to work alongside self-hosted servers

  1. Log into your Gmail account via a web browser by clicking the gear icon in the top-right corner.
  2. Click on the gear icon in the top-right corner and select ‘See all settings.’
  3. Navigate to the ‘Accounts and Import’ tab.
  4. Under “Check mail from other accounts,” click on ‘Add a mail account.’
  5. Navigate to the ‘Accounts and Import’ tab, enter your full email address (e.g., [email protected]) into the new window, then select “Import emails from my other account (POP3)” and click Next.
  6. Select “Import emails from my other account (POP3)” and click Next.
  7. Enter the following details:
    • Email Address: Your full email address ([email protected]).
    • Password: The password associated with this account in SPanel
    • Pop Server: Enter “” replacing “” with your actual domain name.
    • Port: Choose either 995 or 110 depending on whether you’re using SSL/TLS encryption for POP3 connections. If unsure, consult documentation provided by Herrod Tech.
  8. Click Add Account once these details are entered correctly. You will be prompted to set up SMTP for sending emails. Follow similar steps as above but choose appropriate values servers based on information provided by Herrod Tech.

You have now successfully integrated Gmail alongside your self-hosted VPS-based email server. This allows you to manage both personal and professional emails within one platform while maintaining high levels of security throughout all communication channels.

By setting up third-party mail clients, businesses can ensure their emails are sent securely and reliably. Implementing SPF, DKIM, and DMARC records will further strengthen email security by dictating authorized senders and message integrity during transit.

Key Takeaway: 

Learn how to integrate third-party mail clients like Apple Mail and Gmail with your self-hosted VPS-based email server. Follow the step-by-step instructions provided for setting up both clients, ensuring seamless communication between platforms while maintaining high levels of security throughout all channels.

Implementing SPF, DKIM, and DMARC Records

Proper authentication mechanisms like SPF (Sender Policy Framework), DKIM (DomainKeys Identified Mail), and DMARC (Domain-based Message Authentication Reporting & Conformance) are essential for maintaining sender authenticity while preventing unauthorized access attempts. Implementing these records will help ensure your emails reach their intended recipients without being flagged as spam or phishing attempts.

Configuring SPF records to dictate authorized senders

An SPF record is a DNS TXT entry that specifies which mail servers are allowed to send emails on behalf of your domain. To create an SPF record, you can use online tools like the SPF Wizard. Once generated, add this TXT record to your domain’s DNS settings.

Enabling DKIM records for message integrity during transit

DKIM helps verify the sender’s identity by adding a digital signature to each outgoing email message. This ensures that the content remains unaltered during transmission. Enable DKIM in CyberPanel and then add the provided public key as a TXT record in your domain’s DNS settings.

Setting up DMARC record handling

A DMARC policy defines how receiving mail servers should handle messages that fail either SPF or DKIM checks. Use an online tool such as the DMARC Guide Creator Tool to generate a custom policy tailored to your needs before adding it as a TXT record in your domain’s DNS settings.

Having implemented SPF, DKIM, and DMARC records properly will help ensure that your emails are authenticated and secure during transit. Now let’s take a look at how modifying the PTR record can further improve email deliverability.

Improving Email Deliverability with PTR Record Modification

Modifying your server’s PTR (Pointer) record and hostname is highly recommended to improve email deliverability rates and maintain a good reputation with common email providers such as Gmail and Yahoo. Mail. This ensures compliance with guidelines set forth by these providers while enhancing overall security measures.

Understanding the Importance of PTR Records in Email Deliverability

PTR records are crucial for ensuring that your emails reach their intended recipients. They help verify that the IP address sending an email matches the domain it claims to be from, reducing the likelihood of being marked as spam or rejected outright. A well-configured PTR record can significantly boost your business’s credibility among professional service providers like engineers, architects, lawyers, etc.

Steps to Modify Your Server’s PTR Record

  1. Contact Your VPS Provider: Most VPS providers allow you to update or request changes to your server’s PTR record through their customer support portal.
  2. Create a Matching Hostname: Ensure that the new hostname you choose corresponds accurately with its associated IP address within DNS settings.
  3. Add an A-record for This New Hostname: Create an A-record pointing back at the same IP address used in step two – this establishes a reverse lookup relationship between them both which further improves deliverability rates.
  4. Test Changes Using Online Tools: Utilize services like MXToolbox’s Reverse Lookup Tool, which allows you to check if modifications have been successfully implemented across all relevant domains involved in mail delivery processes.

SEO Keywords: email server setup, VPS, PTR record, hostname, email deliverability, spam, reputation, security measures, professional service providers, DNS settings, A-record, reverse lookup, MXToolbox, online tools.

FAQs in Relation to How to Setup Email Server on VPS

How to Set Up a VPS Email Server

If you’re looking to set up a VPS email server, there are a few steps you need to follow. First, choose a reliable VPS provider and install an email control panel like CyberPanel. Then, configure DNS records for your domain, secure the server with SSL certificates, manage emails within SPanel, integrate third-party mail clients, and implement SPF, DKIM, and DMARC records along with modifying PTR records for better deliverability.

How to Send an Email from a VPS Server

To send an email from a VPS server, create new email accounts using the installed control panel (e.g., SPanel). Then, configure your preferred third-party mail client (like Apple Mail or Gmail) to work alongside your self-hosted servers by inputting SMTP settings provided by the control panel.

How to Host Your Own Email Server on a VPS with CyberPanel

If you want to host your own email server on a VPS with CyberPanel, you can follow these steps:

  1. Install CyberPanel on your chosen VPS.
  2. Configure DNS records such as A and CNAME records for mail servers.
  3. Secure communication using SSL certificates obtained through Let’s Encrypt or other providers.
  4. Create new accounts in SPanel and adjust settings as needed before integrating them into third-party mail clients.

How to Set Up a Dedicated Email Server

If you want to set up a dedicated email server, follow these steps:

  1. Select suitable hardware or cloud-based infrastructure.
  2. Purchase a domain name.
  3. Create necessary DNS records.
  4. Install Postfix, Dovecot, and an optional webmail interface like Roundcube.
  5. Secure the server with SSL certificates.
  6. Implement SPF, DKIM, and DMARC records for security and deliverability.


With the right knowledge and tools, setting up an email server on a VPS can be easily accomplished. By installing CyberPanel on your VPS, configuring DNS records for your domain, securing your email server with SSL certificates, managing emails within SPanel, integrating third-party mail clients, implementing SPF/DKIM/DMARC records, and modifying PTR records to improve deliverability, you’ll be well on your way to having a reliable email server.

Whether you’re an engineer or architect looking to set up a professional email system or a lawyer or service provider in need of secure communication channels, this guide provides all the necessary steps to get started. So don’t hesitate any longer; take control of your business’s communication needs today!

If you want assistance setting up an email server on VPS that is tailored specifically for your business needs, then contact Herrod Tech. Our team will work closely with you every step of the way, ensuring that everything runs smoothly from start to finish.

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