Cloud Hosting vs Shared Hosting: Differences and Advantages

Cloud Hosting vs Shared Hosting: Differences and Advantages

If you wish to create website, you will require a web hosting. Similar to a land where we build a house, web hosting is a fundamental requirement before creating a website. Generally speaking, there are several selections of hosting available based on your business requirement, such as Cloud Hosting.

Whether Cloud hosting or shared hosting, both have each benefit to offer. Therefore, when you go with web hosting, please ensure that you understand the functions of each hosting. 

Understanding the Difference Between Cloud Hosting and Shared Hosting

Before discussing the differences between Cloud and shared hosting, do you really know what they stand for? Let’s discuss it briefly here.

Cloud hosting is a type of hosting service where you can get computing resources with the help of Cloud facilities. This type of hosting is also a modern way of web hosting, in which several websites can be hosted simultaneously on more than one server.

The data on the site will then be stored on several servers, not just depending on one server. In the Cloud hosting, there is a resource facilitator who is authorized to set up, secure, and maintain. If one server fails, data can still be recovered from another (backup) server.


On the other hand, shared hosting is a type of hosting service that allows multiple sites to share a physical web server and its resources. By using shared hosting, one server will be divided for several users and each user gets a certain amount of bandwidth. This is the most popular type of hosting service and is quite affordable.

Distinguish Cloud Hosting and Shared Hosting

After we discuss the definition and the benefit of both hosting services, let us now continue to look deeper at the differences between Cloud hosting and shared hosting.

1. Website performance

The website’s performance will depend on the server’s performance. In most cases, Cloud hosting has the best performance, thanks to its ability to store data on several servers and make it faster to access. Quite the opposite, shared hosting is not as fast as Cloud hosting due to the sharing system of the server with other users.

2. Security

In terms of security, Cloud hosting is considered more secure because this type of hosting uses data mirroring which is quite efficient. Cloud hosting has multiple anti-malware solutions and layers of recovery options.

Shared hosting is quite vulnerable in terms of security. This is because the IP address is the same on one site, so the security of the site will be vulnerable. Even so, usually, the hosting provider has steps in the form of preventive measures. They are the ones who will be responsible for the security of the site.

3. Cost

Cloud hosting has a fairly expensive price, but the features you will get on this type of hosting are worth the cost you will incur. Shared hosting offers an affordable price. This type of hosting is suitable for new businesses or similar.

4. Reliability

If you wish to store your data on several different servers and in case of failure, it can recover quickly then you can choose Cloud hosting. Meanwhile, shared hosting has low reliability due to the large number of resources being used simultaneously.

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