Tips to Become a Reseller for WordPress Hosting

Tips to Become a Reseller for WordPress Hosting

Choosing a hosting provider: What to look for

Your success as a managed WordPress hosting reseller largely comes down to which WordPress reseller program you choose. All programs are not created equally, and you’ll make your life—and your clients’ experiences—far easier by selecting a solution that checks these boxes.

Secure, reliable infrastructure

All hosting providers rely on their infrastructure—the virtual and physical resources that make hosting possible—to deliver their services. This network of software, servers, and other equipment determines how safe, secure, and reliable their hosting service is.

You don’t need to know the ins and outs of how cloud hosting works to select an excellent hosting provider: just look for one that offers a minimum of 99.9 percent uptime and around-the-clock security monitoring so you can feel confident your client sites won’t go down and that they’re protected by world-class security.

User-friendly control panel

An easy-to-use control panel will become especially important as your reseller WordPress hosting business grows. You’ll also need to manage tens or even hundreds of websites. Look for a solution that simplifies the management of your reseller account, hosting resources, and routine client hosting tasks.

24/7 tech support

Even with the best WordPress reseller hosting in the world, you may occasionally run into issues. Around-the-clock support means you can address problems the moment they arise, instead of leaving your clients (and their profits) hanging. Ideally, your WordPress reseller program should include phone, email, and chat support, and have an easy-to-understand ticketing system for issues.

Effortless scalability

The best hosting solution should let you easily accommodate your growing business needs, so you can confidently sign more clients without worrying that your quality of service will be impacted. It should also be scalable at the client level, accommodating spikes in traffic and other changes without impacting site performance.

Competitive pricing and profitability

Like most things in life, cheaper isn’t necessarily better. However, your WordPress reseller program should enable you to be competitive enough to land clients, while giving you plenty of room to generate profits for your agency. Look for bulk pricing and reseller discounts that can help you further maximize your margins.

Useful add-on features

In addition to basic hosting, look for a provider that includes other features that can help you add value for your clients (and maximize your revenue). These include automatic daily backups, drag-and-drop website builders, and built-in SSL certificates.

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