As an affiliate, you won’t be involved at all with supporting your customers. You’re simply guiding folks to the front door, and your partner web host will be fully responsible for any technical queries, issues, and complaints down the line. A good choice for those looking for a more hands-off business model.
Resellers have a couple of different options open to them, depending on how involved they’d like to be. Most hosting companies will allow resellers to piggyback on the provider’s own customer service team, a choice most newcomers to the industry will opt for. So, if any of your clients have any problems, they’ll be passed to the host’s service agents via your website. Everything will still be branded under your company name though.
Alternatively, you can choose to become directly involved with the customer service aspects of your business, responding to clients directly. This is a great way to build relationships with them and provide a highly personalized service, but bear in mind that your customers will expect 24/7 support and you’ll need some technical knowledge to get started. Although you’ll still be able to hand off the most complex issues to your data host.