Is managed WordPress hosting pricey, or can you do it yourself?

Is managed WordPress hosting pricey, or can you do it yourself?

Is managed WordPress hosting pricey, or can you do it yourself?

When a large number of people visit the website on a daily basis, WordPress websites require constant care and attention. to make due” WordPress incorporates enhancement for Speed, Security, Proficiency, Adaptation to non-critical failure, Versatility and Debacle Recuperation.

This means ensuring that your WordPress website is always available to visitors and that there is minimal downtime. This article discusses whether you really need it “managed” WordPress Hosting or any regular shared hosting will also suffice. The purpose of this article is to introduce a newbie or novice WordPress webmaster by demystifying the mind-bending jargon and hype. “managed” WordPress Hosting.

What is Managed WordPress Hosting?

Managed WordPress Hosting is when you outsource the management of your WordPress installation to your hosting company (or a specialist agency that will manage it yourself). It can be called a special type of hosting that can be optimized for WordPress or special tools that will improve the overall WordPress experience.

most of “manage” hosting providers offer dedicated services specifically for WordPress, which can generally be categorized as Caching Tools, Web Application Firewalls, Version Control Tools, Content Delivery Network (CDN) routing, Staging Zones, etc.

Is there a difference between regular WordPress shared hosting and managed WordPress hosting?

Yes and No Some hosts that offer Managed WordPress Hosting make a clear distinction between their WordPress Plans and regular hosting plans. They often sell features like CDN and Version Control as extras that you have to pay for. Unless specifically mentioned by a supplier as being offered “managed” WordPress hosting, you can assume that their WordPress plans have slight variations from the usual shared hosting plans.

Short answer Yes but with some limitations. Let’s look at some options “Managed WordPress” providers sell and list the alternatives available in common shared hosting.

Website Speed

Content Delivery Networks (CDN) store the static parts of your website as images and serve the images directly from the servers to the visitor. This can be purchased independently of your shared hosting account. Options like CloudFlare, Photon, MaxCDN can be purchased separately when you need them.

WordPress also includes great plugins like W3 Total Cache, WP Super Cache, and WP Fastest Cache that will cache your hosting account. It will be a similar technology used by managed WordPress providers. However, some providers will have their own proprietary caching software, which may be significantly faster or use a different technology. Many of them also use HTTP Accelerators like Barnish to speed up pages at the Web Server level, which you can only achieve if you have your own server.

Website Security

Most hosting providers have multiple levels of security installed on their servers by default. This means that Web Application Firewalls are set by default. You can also use reverse proxy services like CloudFlare to improve your security level.

Tools and support for developers

Even if you can’t set up a professional staging area for your website, you can get by with a couple of WordPress plugins that will be able to provide some limited staging functionality. The perfect plugin is SitePush, which can easily move content and code between WordPress sites and also move your site’s database to a development site or move new code to a staging site.

However, some of these software may require server-level monitoring, which may only be possible if you have your own server. This may be an expensive affair and adopting a managed solution may be worth it.

Do You Really Need Managed WordPress Hosting?

Managed WordPress services take your hand and perform routine tasks on your behalf. It may also have unique technology to offer. They come at a price, but if you feel like you can’t manage your website on your own, you’re better off with a service like this. If you’re a little tech savvy and have some programming knowledge, you can do it yourself and get pretty good results without paying a fortune. 

But if your daily visitors are in the thousands, you will only notice a marginal difference. Be sure to do a cost-benefit analysis and take a demo account before actually putting your money down.

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