How to set up your domain’s DNS records for Professional and Pro Plus Email Hosting

How to set up your domain’s DNS records for Professional and Pro Plus Email Hosting

This article describes how to set up the following DNS records and get your Professional or Pro Plus Email Hosting plan up and running:

  • MX (Mail Exchanger) record: The MX records specify the mail servers that your domain uses. Without a functioning MX record, your domain cannot send or receive email.
  • SPF (Sender Policy Framework) record: This is a DNS TXT record that helps authenticate outgoing email messages and ensure reliable delivery. 
For additional authentication for your outgoing messages, you can configure DKIM (DomainKeys Identified Mail) for your domain. For information about how to do this, please see this article.

Scenario #1: Your domain is registered through A2 Hosting and you do not use it for web hosting

In this scenario, you have a standalone domain that you registered through A2 Hosting (or transferred to A2 Hosting). However, the domain does not have any hosting plan associated with it.

To configure your domain for email hosting, follow these steps:

  1. Log in to the A2 Hosting Customer Portal at
  2. On the top menu bar, click DOMAINS, and then click MY DOMAINS:

  3. Locate the domain, and then click the wrench (spanner) icon:

    Customer Portal - Domains - Wrench (spanner) icon

  4. In the left sidebar, under Manage, click Addons:

    Customer Portal - Domains - Addons sidebar menu

  5. Purchase the free DNS Host Record Management option.
  6. In the left sidebar, click Nameservers:

    Customer Portal - Domains - Nameservers sidebar menu

  7. Click Use Custom Nameservers, and then specify the following nameservers:

    • Nameserver
    • Nameserver
    • Nameserver
    • Nameserver
    • Nameserver 5:
  8. Click Change Nameservers.
  9. In the left sidebar, click DNS Management:

    Customer Portal - Domains - DNS Management sidebar menu

  10. Add the following DNS records:

    Host Name Record Type Address Priority
    @ MX (Mail) 10
    @ MX (Mail) 20
    @ SPF (txt) v=spf1 ~all N/A

    The DNS records should appear as follows:

    Customer Portal - Domains - Titan Email DNS records

  11. Click Save Changes. Your domain’s DNS is now configured for email hosting. To check the DNS status of your domain, see Checking the DNS status of your domain below.

Scenario #2: Your domain is registered through A2 Hosting and you use it for web hosting

In this scenario, you registered your domain through A2 Hosting (or transferred it to A2 Hosting). Additionally, you have a hosting plan associated with the domain.

To configure your domain for email hosting, follow these steps:

  1. Log in to the A2 Hosting Customer Portal at
  2. On the top menu bar, click DOMAINS, and then click MY DOMAINS:

  3. Locate the domain, and then click the wrench (spanner) icon:

    Customer Portal - Domains - Wrench (spanner) icon

  4. In the left sidebar, click Nameservers:

    Customer Portal - Domains - Nameservers sidebar menu

  5. Confirm that the correct nameservers are set:

    • If you are using the default A2 Hosting nameservers, confirm that Use default nameservers is selected.
    • If you are using custom nameservers, click Use Custom Nameservers, and then specify the nameservers your domain uses.
  6. Log in to the cPanel account associated with the domain.
  7. In the DOMAINS section of the cPanel home screen, click Zone Editor:

    cPanel - Domains - Zone Editor icon

  8. Locate the domain, and then click Manage:

    cPanel - Domains - Zone Editor - Manage domain

  9. On the Zone Records page, locate any existing MX records, and then click Delete for each record.

    You should copy the values for the existing MX records and save them in a safe location, in case you ever want to revert the domain’s email back to the default settings.

  10. On the Zone Records page, click Add Record, and then click Add “MX” Record:

    cPanel - Domains - Manage - Add MX Record

  11. In the Valid zone name text box, type your domain name.
  12. In the Priority text box, type 10.
  13. In the Destination text box, type
  14. Click Add Record.
  15. Click Add Record, and then click Add “MX” Record:

    cPanel - Domains - Manage - Add MX Record

  16. In the Valid zone name text box, type your domain name.
  17. In the Priority text box, type 20.
  18. In the Destination text box, type
  19. Click Add Record.
  20. Click Add Record, and then click Add “TXT” Record:

    cPanel - Domains - Manage - Add TXT Record

  21. In the Valid zone name text box, type your domain name.
  22. In the Record Text text box, type v=spf1 ~all
  23. Click Add Record. Your domain’s DNS is now configured for email hosting. To check the DNS status of your domain, see Checking the DNS status of your domain below.

Scenario #3: You registered your domain with another registrar

In this scenario, you registered your domain with another registrar, and the domain’s DNS settings are handled by the registrar.

To configure your domain for email hosting, follow these steps:

  1. Log in to your domain registrar’s customer portal or administration interface.
  2. Add the following DNS records to your domain:
    Host Name Record Type Address Priority
    @ MX (Mail) 10
    @ MX (Mail) 20
    @ SPF (txt) v=spf1 ~all N/A

    If you do not know how to add or modify DNS records for your domain, check your registrar’s documentation.

  3. Your domain’s DNS is now configured for email hosting. To check the DNS status of your domain, see Checking the DNS status of your domain below.

Checking the DNS status of your domain

After you have added the MX and SPF records to your domain settings, you can check the DNS status of your domain. To do this, follow these steps:

  1. Log in to the A2 Hosting Customer Portal at
  2. On the top menu bar, click SERVICES, and then click MY SERVICES:

    Customer Portal - Services - My Services

  3. Locate the Professional Email or Pro Plus Email service, and then click Manage:

    Customer Portal - Professional Email - Manage

  4. On the Domain tab, click the Domain Verification icon:

    Customer Portal - Domain Verification icon

  5. For the MX and TXT records, you should see VERIFIED:

    Email portal - Domain verified

    It can take up to 24 hours for DNS changes to fully propagate across the internet (though the process is usually much faster). If you see UNVERIFIED, check that you provided the correct DNS settings above, wait awhile, and then try again.

  6. You are now ready to create and configure accounts for your email hosting plan. For information about how to do this, please see this article.

More Information

For more information, please visit

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