This method is not free because you must get a web hosting package. However, if you must host a website, you may select a budget-friendly choice like Bluehost and receive a custom email domain free, a free domain name for a year, as well as a free SSL certificate.
If you want to create a professional online presence, this is a great option. It is simple to set up, smoothly integrates with WordPress websites, and provides various tools to launch your website.
Go to Bluehost first and select your plan there. The least expensive option costs as little as $2.75 a month, which is still cheaper than getting a brand-new name or paying for exclusive email hosting.
You can register a website domain once you have made your plan selection. Use a domain name generator to get suggestions and check their availability if you need help with the best option.
Once you have finished the account setup, log into your Bluehost dashboard and select Advanced Email Accounts from the control panel. You can set up your email domain at this point.
You can start utilizing your new email domain in several different ways. For instance, you can connect to a well-known email tool like Microsoft Outlook, Thunderbird, or Gmail or use the webmail interface provided by Bluehost. Due to its convenience, you do not need to log into your hosting account to read your inbox, and some users prefer this method.
Excellent resources for support are available from Bluehost, including guides on how to link your email account with Outlook. Then, you can set it up using Gmail according to the guidelines.