Edit this Neon Gaming Profile Discord Banner design for free

Edit this Neon Gaming Profile Discord Banner design for free

hasPreview: false,
variant: 18758,
images: {“18758”:[“https://content.wepik.com/statics/37931312/preview-page0.jpg”]},
editTemplate() {
trackAnalytic(“template-edit”, “click”, “Neon Gaming Profile Discord Banner”);
editTemplateGtm(“Neon Gaming Profile Discord Banner”, “Banners”, “Discord Banners”);

file_name: “Neon Gaming Profile Discord Banner”.toLowerCase(),
file_id: “18823”,
category: “Banners”,
license: “free”,
location: “detail”.toLowerCase().replace(” “,”-“),
author_name: “Ana Brenes”,
author_id: “15”,

const newUrl = new URL(“/edit/neon-gaming-profile-discord-banner”, window.location.origin);
newUrl.searchParams.set(“variant”, this.variant);
window.open(newUrl.href + window.location.hash, “_blank”)
setVariant(variant) {
if (!this.images[variant]) return;
this.variant = variant;
const images = this.images[variant];
if (this.$refs.image) {
this.$refs.image.src = images[0];
this.$refs.image.srcset = images[0];
if (this.$refs.imageMobile) {
this.$refs.imageMobile.src = images[0];
this.$refs.imageMobile.srcset = images[0];
if (this.$refs.image || this.$refs.imageMobile) {
for (let i = 0; i


Big Shoulders Display




Banners Templates


Neon Gaming Profile Discord Banner Template

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