Contacts not receiving your marketing emails

Contacts not receiving your marketing emails

If your eligible contacts are not receiving marketing emails sent from your HubSpot account, there are a few steps they can take to ensure that your marketing emails are delivered to their inbox.

  • Add your from email address to their email client address book. This tells the inbox that it should expect to receive emails coming from that address. Each email client has a different process for adding email addresses, which can be found in their help documentation.
  • Request that their IT/Email team add your email sending domain to their allowlist. This tells their email server that it should expect to receive emails from any from address containing your domain (e.g.,
  • Request that their IT/Email team add your sending IP addresses from HubSpot to their allowlist.
  • Open and click links in marketing emails they do receive from you. This tells the inbox to trust emails coming from your address and email sending domain. An email client is always learning; if your contacts continue to open and click on your emails, the email client will learn to accept those emails in the future.
  • Move your marketing emails found in their SPAM/junk folder back to the inbox. This tells the inbox where to place that email in the future and improves your domain’s sender reputation.

Please note: if your email contains shortened links, such as instead of, it has a higher chance of being sent to the SPAM folder of your recipients inbox. 

Add marketing email sending IP addresses to an allowlist

To find your sending IP addresses in your HubSpot account:

  • In your HubSpot account, navigate to Marketing > Email.
  • In the lower left, below the email status sidebar menu, click the Email list tools dropdown menu and select Manage allowlisting.

  • In the dialog box, click Copy to clipboard. This copies all the IP addresses used by HubSpot for marketing emails and internal email notifications. These IP addresses can include single IP addresses (e.g., and ranges of IP addresses (e.g. Ensure that you provide the full list of sending IP addresses to your IT/email team, including the single addresses and the ranges of addresses.

Please note: a range of IP addresses, like, includes every IP address within the range, from to 


Please note: accounts with transactional email or a dedicated IP address will see their dedicated IP address documented here. All of these IP addresses will be copied when you click Copy to clipboard.

To add email sending domains to an allowlist instead of IP addresses, add and to your network-level allowlist.

Learn more about how to keep your contact lists up to date to improve email deliverability.


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