What is Reseller Hosting?

What is Reseller Hosting?

The reseller hosting business has gained considerable popularity in the IT industry. You can find several web users who are either planning to begin reseller hosting or include it in their existing business. However, many people hearing the term “reseller hosting” still often bring up stares of confusion. For generating an easier understanding of reseller hosting, we have come up with this article that answers all the relevant questions and eliminates bafflement regarding reseller web hosting. Without wasting another second, dive into the subsequent sections and acquire all the insights you must have.  

What is Reseller Hosting?

Reseller hosting is a kind of web hosting service that a principal web hosting provider offers. In this, the web host lets you sell the web hosting services as your own. You basically operate as a reseller in the reseller hosting business. 

In general, the reseller hosting plans function based on a standard wholesale. All you need to do is first sign up with a reliable web host. Next, you have to set up a reseller account in order to access wholesale prices. At this stage, you can append your own branding if needed. And, at last, you can resell the respective web hosting services at markup prices. Moreover, you get the possibility to set the preferred costs of the web hosting services you reseller while ensuring that you do not break any condition or cross any limit set by your web host. Rest, you can run your reseller hosting business as you see fit.

Getting into the reseller hosting business might sound a bit complex to you but it is actually not. It is quite a smooth process once you know the ins and outs. The best part of taking a step towards a reseller hosting business is that you do not need to run, manage, and handle the hardware or web hosting software on your own. 

A good web host always makes sure to set up hosting software with particular reseller packages that can reduce the work involved in setting everything up. At Hostbillo, you get your reseller hosting plan with the already set up cPanel and WHM for you. You just have to build an account for every new customer you take in. So, you can straightaway register a new account with us, choose the amount of disk space or bandwidth you need to allocate, and then move ahead. Moreover, Hostbillo web hosting company also enables you to sell domains and administer your business end with utmost ease by employing Web Host Manager Complete Solution (WHMCS) software.

On one side, web hosts charge a flat fee on a monthly basis. Whereas other web hosts charge you on a pay-as-you-go basis rather than a flat fee.

It does not matter if you are a web designer, developer, or simply an individual who desires to run his/her own web hosting business, reseller hosting opens up the opportunity to learn a lot and,x at the same time, make money in the business of hosting websites.

What are the Advantages of Reseller Hosting?

The reseller hosting business brings a lot of advantages, some of which you can not even acquire being a parent web host. Let’s check out below some of the crucial ones – 

Easy to Handle Reseller Accounts

Once you sign up for the reseller hosting service, your parent web host generally provides you with access to an admin console in cPanel or other admin packages. Within the console or a package, you get access to the assigned disk space and bandwidth allowance per month. Further, the panel lets you have tools that you can employ to easily set up new accounts, and allot resources to your end customers, such as disk space, email addresses, domains, and the other features of web hosting.

Moreover, you can also choose to build customized plans depending on your clients’ needs. Also, you can provide your clients with administrative rights, and manage web traffic and every other aspect of web hosting while utilizing your web host’s hardware and software without having to manage them. 

Furthermore, reseller hosting saves the time required for administrative tasks as your clients get their own cPanel or other dashboards for managing their accounts by themselves. 

Ability to White Label

Most web hosts provide a white-labeling service with reseller hosting plans. With white-labeling, you become capable of taking up someone else’s products or services, in this case, web hosting services, and reselling them under your own brand name. It hides the identity of your parent web host from your end customers and lets your brand name or company name become the face of the web hosting services you resell. 

Build Your Own Hosting Packages

Based on the profile of your end customers, you can go with flexible web hosting, web hosting with SSD data storage, WordPress hosting, SSD hosting, or whatever type of hosting package you find apt for their business necessities. Further, you can charge your customers according to the value in the market and what profits your business. Moreover, Hostbillo offers cheap unlimited reseller hosting to make you achieve the highest business profitability. 


Most reseller web hosting accounts come with high scalability. You can begin with a minimum amount of resources and expand them as the list and demands of your end customers grow. Since the reseller hosting business is virtual, you get the possibility to scale your plan and resources easily and quickly without any additional admin pricing. 

How Do You Make Money as a Reseller?

Become Hosting Reseller and Make Money

Reseller web hosting business enables you to make a considerable additional source of income while being anywhere around the world and targeting any set of audiences. All you require is a good internet connection, the basic required knowledge, and technical support for your end customers. Also, there are people who have grown their reseller hosting business enough to consider it as the main source of their income.

On the other side, many users who already have an existing web business, such as web development, website designing, etc., incorporate reseller hosting services in their packages. This helps them provide their customers with everything under one roof.  Also, the users get the opportunity to draw more and more customers to their online business. 

Furthermore, there are also people who wish to begin their own web hosting company, but they are unable to because of budget constraints, lack of expertise, or both. In such a case, they opt for the reseller hosting business as it allows them to begin with as small as they want and gradually earn learnings, and income as well as customers while scaling up the business according to their needs. Thus, reseller hosting is a cost-effective and easy-to-handle business that can let you generate as much revenue as possible from your end. 

How Do I Start Reselling Web Hosting?

Start a Reseller Business of Hosting

Here are the simple, quick, and straightforward steps you can take to successfully begin your reseller web hosting business – 

Step 1: Sit and write a solid business plan after researching the market for reseller hosting.

Step 2: Figure out your target audience.

Step 3: Analyze your competitors.

Step 4: Acquire enough knowledge to start your reseller hosting business.

Step 5: Seek a web host who can offer you a reliable, robust, and cheap reseller hosting plan or package.

Step 6: Customize the hosting packages while including something unique that can make you stand out among your competitors based on your end customers’ needs. Then, market your custom-made web hosting plans under your own brand name. 

How to Choose the Best Reseller Hosting Service?

Choose Best Reseller Hosting provider

One of the crucial steps on which the success of your robust business plan depends is to choose the best reseller hosting service. In order to ensure the best choice, consider cross-checking the following things – 

  • Does your parent web host has a fine reputation when it comes to reseller hosting services? 
  • Does the reseller hosting plan accommodate your necessities under your budget?
  • Does your web host offer a good software interface to manage and administer your reseller account?
  • Does the web hosting company provide a money-back guarantee, in case you do not get satisfied with the services?
  • Does the web host assure 24/7 technical support over the preferred communication medium?
  • Does the web hosting company provides scalability or upgrade if your business grows in the future?

Hostbillo web hosting company is among the most reputable organizations and is well-recognized for providing a wide range of excellent reseller web hosting plans at the cheapest pricing. We further ensure the 7-day money-back assurance and 24/7/365 technical assistance via experts along with high-grade hosting features and cutting-edge facilities. Reach out to our professionals through customer support right away to acquire guidance, resolve your queries or grab further insightful details about reseller web hosting. 


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