What is Reseller Hosting? And How Does It Work? – From Zero to Hero

What is Reseller Hosting? And How Does It Work? – From Zero to Hero

Reseller hosting is a type of web hosting where an individual or company purchases hosting resources from a web hosting provider and then resells them to their own clients. In essence, reseller hosting is the act of renting out server space to other individuals or businesses for a profit. This type of hosting is an attractive option for entrepreneurs looking to start their own web hosting business without the upfront costs of building and managing servers.

How Reseller Hosting Works

Reseller hosting works in a straightforward way. Reseller purchases hosting resources from a web hosting provider and then creates their own hosting packages to sell to their clients. They set their own pricing and manage its client accounts, while the web hosting provider handles the server management and technical support. The hosting provider typically provides them with a control panel to manage and bill their clients and configure their hosting packages.

Resellers can purchase various types of hosting resources from the web hosting provider, including disk space, bandwidth, email accounts, and more. These resources are then allocated to the reseller’s clients based on their specific hosting needs. For example, a reseller may purchase a certain amount of disk space and bandwidth and then create hosting packages that offer different amounts of those resources to their clients.

Pluses of Reseller Hosting

There are several advantages to using reseller hosting, including:

Easy to Manage: Reseller hosting is easy to manage because the web hosting provider takes care of the server management and technical support. This means that resellers can focus on managing their clients and growing their businesses without having to worry about technical details.

Additional Revenue Stream: Reseller hosting can be a profitable business venture because resellers can set their prices and generate additional revenue by selling hosting packages to their clients.

Low Startup Costs: Reseller hosting allows entrepreneurs to start their own web hosting business without the upfront costs of building and managing their own servers. This makes it an attractive option for those who want to get into the web hosting business but don’t have a lot of capital to invest.

Customizable hosting Packages: As resellers like GreenGeeks create their own hosting packages, they can tailor their offerings to their client’s specific needs and offer competitive pricing.

Minuses of Reseller Hosting

While reseller hosting has many advantages, there are also some disadvantages to consider, including:

Reliability: The reliability of reseller hosting depends on the web hosting provider’s server management and technical support. If the hosting provider experiences technical difficulties, it can affect the reseller’s clients and their business.

Limited Control: Vendors have limited control over the server environment because they are renting server space from a web hosting provider. This means that they may be limited in the types of applications and software they can install on their servers.

Competition: Reseller hosting is a competitive market, which means that Vendors may have to compete with other merchants and web hosting providers for clients. This can make it difficult to establish a profitable business.

Support: Vendors may not have access to the same level of technical support as customers who purchase hosting directly from the web hosting provider. This means that they may have to troubleshoot technical issues on their own or rely on the hosting provider’s customer support team to assist them.

Choosing a Reseller Hosting Provider

When choosing a reseller hosting provider, it’s important to consider server uptime because it affects the reliability of the packages. Look for a provider with the highest server uptime possible.

Also, consider storage space, email hosting, bandwidth, and security. The best plans come with unlimited bandwidth and data transfer as well as email accounts.

Some reseller hosting providers have cPanel for end users. cPanel or WHM can be used to customize customer plans and accounts.

Finally, choose a reseller that offers technical support around the clock, ideally via at least two channels. Daily backup is sometimes free and provides much-needed security in case of cyberattacks or errors.

Retailer Hosting vs. Shared Hosting: Key Differences

Retailer hosting and shared hosting are two popular hosting solutions, but they differ in several key ways. Shared hosting involves sharing a single server with multiple customers, while vendors hosting involves purchasing server space in bulk and reselling it to customers under your own brand name. Reseller hosting is typically more expensive than shared hosting, but it offers greater flexibility and customization options for resellers.

Reseller Hosting vs. VPS Hosting: Key Differences

Reseller hosting and virtual private server (VPS) hosting are also two popular hosting solutions, but they differ in several key ways. VPS hosting involves renting a virtual server that is partitioned into multiple virtual machines, while merchant hosting involves purchasing server space in bulk and reselling it to customers under your own brand name. VPS hosting is typically more expensive than reseller hosting, but it offers greater control and scalability options for users.


Q: How much can I expect to make from reselling hosting services?

A: The amount you can make from reselling hosting services depends on several factors, such as your pricing structure, customer base, and marketing efforts. Some resellers are able to make a full-time income from their hosting business, while others use it as a side hustle to earn some extra money.

Q: Do I need technical knowledge to resell hosting services?

A: While some technical knowledge is helpful when setting up and managing a hosting account, it is not necessarily required. Many hosting providers offer user-friendly control panels and customer support to help resellers manage their hosting plans.

Q: Can I resell hosting services to my own customers under my own brand name?

A: Yes, many hosting providers offer white label plans that allow resellers to brand the hosting service as their own and resell it to their own customers under their own brand name.


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