What is an email domain?

What is an email domain?

A domain name, or email address, is the name of a computer on the Internet. For example, if you’re a website owner and want to create your point of presence online, you’ll need to buy your domain name (like www.yourwebsite.com). Using its email server, you can send emails to those who correspond with that particular address from that computer. And since all computers are part of a network such as the Internet or a local area network, they can share an identical email address like [email protected].

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How do you get an email domain?

Most email hosting providers will offer a domain registration service, which means you can register a name — like [email protected] (or www.yourwebsite.com) — after which you can use it as your Internet address for sending and receiving emails. That’s how you get an email address like info @ youremaildomainname.com.

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But if you want a free email address, you can use your name instead, like [email protected]. For one thing, many email hosting providers will still block addresses that start and end with a period, such as [email protected] (which may also cause problems with other services). In addition, free email addresses often need to be verified by some human before they are shown to you as available.

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What is a catch-all email domain?

On the other hand, c For example, if you have [email protected] as your main address, and you want it to catch all emails sent to [email protected] and [email protected], you would need to set up your contact list with three lessons: [email protected] (your primary address), [email protected] (second) and [email protected] (third).

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Which email host offers a free catch-all email domain?

Email hosting providers usually offer free catch-all email domains that allow you to use their address as your main contact address. Then they automatically point out visitors’ emails to a particular mailbox (like [email protected]) to that address. This is the best way to get an email address like info @ yourwebsite.com — it enables your site visitors to send you emails without having to have an account with your hosting provider first, as is often required for free email addresses.

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How do I choose an email domain?

Choosing your email domain with a hosting provider that offers a catch-all is the best way to get a free email address. But there are other ways to select a domain name as well. Free domains are usually taken every few days, so it might take more time to pick your preferred domain name. However, most free fields are good enough — they aren’t very good ones. Suppose you don’t like the free ones or you wish to avoid the hassle of registering extra addresses when you need them. In that case, you can always choose an existing email address (like info@yourname) and then select an existing domain through its registered owner (perhaps a business).

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What is a domain name service?

A domain name service (DNS) is a server that handles the lookups of an address associated with a particular domain (like yourwebsite.com). The DNS server will return an IP address — such as — to the person who wants to reach your website (or any other computer on the Internet). So if you have [email protected] as your website’s main contact, and you wish to make it available to anyone accessing the Internet via, then you need to register that address with its DNS server, which is located in the United States at After you’ve written the lesson, you can use it to set up your website or redirect it to any computer on the Internet.

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What is a domain name registration?

A domain name registration is what you do after purchasing a domain name like yourwebsite.com from an online provider. After purchase, you must register the address to use it for its intended purpose (like setting up your website on a web host or redirecting visitors). You are required to register for a given length of time, paid in advance, after which you can renew your contract at any time if you wish.

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Does a domain name registration expire?

Yes, registrations do expire. Typically, they last one year after purchase (although they can last up to ten years), and the minimum period before they need to be renewed is six months. It’s best to restore them before your period of free use expires so that you don’t have any problems sharing the address with others later. Most hosting providers will automatically renew them for you at no extra charge — make sure you’ve logged in beforehand and used the right billing information when purchasing the domain name itself.

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