Setting email notification settings in Advanced Threat Analytics

Setting email notification settings in Advanced Threat Analytics

Applies to: Advanced Threat Analytics version 1.9

ATA can notify you when it detects a suspicious activity. For ATA to be able to send email notifications, you must first configure the Email server settings.

  1. On the ATA Center server, click the Microsoft Advanced Threat Analytics Management icon on the desktop.

  2. Enter your user name and password and click Log in.

  3. Select the settings option on the toolbar and select Configuration.

  4. In the notifications section, under Mail server, enter the following information:

    Field Description Value
    SMTP server endpoint (required) Enter the FQDN of your SMTP server and optionally change the port number (default 25). For example:
    SSL Toggle SSL if the SMTP server required SSL. Note: If you enable SSL, you also need to change the Port number. Default is disabled
    Authentication Enable if your SMTP server requires authentication. Note: If you enable authentication, you must provide a user name and password of an email account that has permission to connect to the SMTP server. Default is disabled
    Send from (required) Enter an email address from whom the email will be sent from. For example:
    [email protected]

    ATA email server settings image.

Provide ATA with your Syslog server settings

ATA can notify you when it detects a suspicious activity by sending the notification to your Syslog server. If you enable Syslog notifications, you can set the following for them.

  1. Before configuring Syslog notifications, work with your SIEM admin to find out the following information:

    • FQDN or IP address of the SIEM server

    • Port on which the SIEM server is listening

    • What transport to use: UDP, TCP, or TLS (Secured Syslog)

    • Format in which to send the data RFC 3164 or 5424

  2. On the ATA Center server, click the Microsoft Advanced Threat Analytics Management icon on the desktop.

  3. Enter your user name and password and click Log in.

  4. Select the settings option on the toolbar and select Configuration.

  5. Under Notifications section, Select Syslog server and enter the following information:

    Field Description
    Syslog server endpoint FQDN of the Syslog server and optionally change the port number (default 514)

    You can configure only one Syslog endpoint.

    Transport Can be UDP, TCP, or TLS (Secured Syslog)
    Format This is the format that ATA uses to send events to the SIEM server – either RFC 5424 or RFC 3164.

    ATA Syslog server settings image.

See also

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