Reseller Hosting with WHMCS

Reseller Hosting with WHMCS

WHM (Web Host Manager) and WHMCS (Web Host Manager Complete Solution) are two important platforms used in the hosting industry. Here is an explanation of their roles and functions:


WHM is a server management panel used by web hosts to manage their web hosting servers. It provides a centralised platform for managing user accounts, websites, email accounts, and other server resources.

With WHM, web hosts can create and manage hosting packages, set server limits, and monitor server performance. They can also create and manage user accounts, grant or restrict access to resources, and provide support for their clients.


WHMCS is a client management, billing, and support platform used by web hosts and resellers. It provides tools for managing client accounts, invoicing and payments, and support requests. It also integrates with popular payment gateways and domain registrars and can be used to manage hosting packages and products.

With WHMCS, web hosts can manage their client accounts, track payments, and provide support for their clients. WHMCS also provides automation tools, such as automatic billing and domain registration, to help web hosts manage their businesses more efficiently.

Together, WHM and WHMCS provide a complete web hosting solution and are essential tools for any web hosting business that is looking to save time and reduce errors. WHM is used to manage the server and provide web hosting services, while WHMCS is used to manage the clients and billing. By using both platforms, web hosts can provide a seamless hosting experience for their clients, with easy management and support tools.

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