8 “Best” Reseller Hosting UK in 2023 (From Only £3.99!)

8 “Best” Reseller Hosting UK in 2023 (From Only £3.99!)

How Reseller Hosting Works?

You’ll target customers first, those in need of hosting. What you do is buy in bulk. Then resell it to clients for a good profit.

#Delicious. The even cooler thing about the best reseller hosting biz is the lack of expensive upfront costs. Would you believe that?

No need to worry about costly servers, software licenses and other costly pieces of infrastructure.

Once you sign up you’ll be granted a master admin area. That’s also referred to as WHM, which stands for Web Host Manager.

Now, you have full control over your customer accounts—the best reseller hosting—and wallah..we’re in action ain’t we?


Yes that’s all. We’re done now. Now you’re Master of the Hosting Universe, you can do things an actual server manager can:

All without the complicated contracts and licenses. From the customer’s vantage, you’re owner manager of a server now—let them know, as the best reseller hosting UK wide.

They’ll have no contact with the actual owners. And won’t bug you either. You’ll gain control of your slice of the server pie at a slice of the price of actually owning a server.

Your customers will have “white-label access” to a unique c-panel. This is the beautiful part. They deal with radioactive explosions and whatever goes on in a server site.

An attractive option for customers who want to manage their own technical infrastructure. And especially for you, as you’re already ahead with cheap reseller hosting.

No worrying about being contacted every five minutes in order to fiddle with passwords or adding new email accounts.

Plans 📅

Create a tiered system like other hosting companies do. The most common is the three-tier selection. Advertise yourself however you like.

Offer a basic subscription for basic customers all the way up to premium, for those willing to pay more for more resources.

An unlimited reseller hosting plan could allow you to offer unmetered features. If you need customer support, resellers can go to the server owners for help—let them earn their worth.

The best reseller hosting companies will be happy to sort out any problems or technical issues, so that the machine can continue to feed us donuts.

This amounts to a highly cost-effective and efficient business model with little hassle on your end.

Just a second before we get to eating/sleeping again, and then onto the best reseller hosting companies in the UK.


Summon the laziness of Homer Simpson by letting technology sort out your billing systems too.

WHMCS is an automated billing system that takes care of the administrative aspects of customer contracts.

Which only leaves us kicking our feet up on the table and taking a sugar rush nap while snoring *c-chrhhhhh*

How Do I Become a Reseller Hosting Company? 🤔

People don’t consider how fundamental web hosting is for all eCommerce and online businesses. Quite simply, a site can’t exist without a server.

Indeed, Amazon makes more than half of their yearly revenue, not from selling books and toothbrushes.

Nope, they make more than half from selling cloud hosting services to any business willing to pay. Yes, Amazon.

Once 5g comes in—which is around the corner, by the end of 2020 the next-gen 5g phones will come to market—the demand for hosting will only increase.

Then you have quantum computers, which only recently achieved its goal of beating the most powerful non-quantum computer ahead of schedule by a decade.

Think of self-driving cars, super-powerful games with much-increased graphic abilities. Even medical companies that want to work on patients remotely.

To say web hosting is a big industry is an understatement. To say it will expand—as more new jobs open up—is an even grosser understatement.

The process 📇

You’re probably not going to want to just jump in. The whole point of reseller plans is that you get discounts from buying server resources in bulk.

Once in your possession, you fork (ahem) them off to your clients on plans of your choosing, according to their needs.

creating unique selling proposition USP process

Consider who you want to be as a host; how you can create a unique selling point (USP). Then consider the reputation and capabilities of your provider.

Perhaps you want to be the cheapest, the one with the most free bonus features, or that host who gives out premium bandwidth that can be depended on.

Once you have it down pat, we’re ready to jump into the fray and grab a plan with a rough outline of how we’ll make the most use of it.

Brandability 💭

Brandablility probably isn’t a word, but you get the drift. We’re probably going to want to get a basic design for our company.

A few of the reseller hosting plans let you alter your client’s cpanel and eCommerce setup so that you can add your company logo.

Boost the professional first-impression on your client. You’ll also receive free self-promotion and advertisement credits.

These credits can be used by your customers to advertised their business on social media such as Google, Twitter and Facebook.

They can also be used for PPC (pay per click), so that your advertisements show up on search bars in search engines and even social networking platforms.

Is Selling a Domain Profitable? 📜

profitable domain names

So you’re looking to do actual work then? Not sure what this guide’s come to. But I’ll share some tips.

Buying and selling domains has grown into a popular business model. One funny example is FB.com, which was bought by Facebook for 9million dollars.

New FB (ahem, Facebook users) kept doing what I just done; typing in FB.com when they really wanted Facebook, who decided the buy-out was worth the customer conversion.

You’ll also find a large pool of domains that had been bought but are due to or very recently expired. Grabbing these is often dirt cheap.

A few of these expired domains retain strong SEO influence in the search rankings due to their previous reputation, but they are no long owned.

But is it a wise investment? 🕵️

Let’s have a look at what you should consider before making the decision on investing in a domain.

Have a think on if you’ll blog, sell or resell the domain, no pun intended considering this guide’s subject matter.

The first thing is to look at how much value you can add to the domain. What does the name suggest, what niche does it fall in, and how does it do in the search rankings.

For example, if you search for the name, do you find a strong and good-quality history of backlinks or lots of negative references?

Top Tip ⭐

Avoid bad reputation.

This is very important. Ensure the online profile isn’t contaminated. This will be majorly useful in helping you to rebuild the domain’s SEO muscle.

Do a bunch of research on the niche and where you can fit in. Do all of this before deciding to buy the domain.

Lastly, you’ll need to figure out whether you want to use the site as a continuous stream of income itself or to sell it off to a new buyer.

Finding a real buyer is notoriously challenging. Very challenging. You could hire a domain broker to work on your behalf as the salesperson, for a small cut.

Should I Sell My Domain to GoDaddy? 🔎

Once you’ve made your considerations, bought your domain and done the work to increase its value, should you use GoDaddy’s auction house?

Yes! Probably. Depending. Quite simply, GD is the most popular auction house out there. If you want to the most hits, they’re your guys.

Do a few keyword searches and see how valuable your domain is on either site. You’ll simply find that buyers are typing keywords in less on their competitors.

Just imagine a potential buyer typing in your domain name and having a popup appear with the green message ‘Available.’

You get a lot of in-the-moment buyers that way. Where there’s more buyers, there’s more sales.

What Is the Best Place to Sell a Domain Name 🏬

Let’s back up a moment… You do have options. One well-known domain auction house is Flippa, though that’s probably at the bottom of the pool.

It’s our opinion that you’ll get a higher volume and chance of sales on GoDaddy particularly for lower-priced domains .

Other auctions may have other benefits, however, such as slick interfaces that help you better manage your domain list.

Sedo has better sales for mid to premium domains, which leaves you with more of an end profit after commission.

So if you’re in possession of a fifty-squid domain, GoDaddy is your guy. Whereas a five-thousand squid domain may.. flip better, ironically with your buddy Sedo.

Undeveloped is a smaller domain auction house buy growing rapidly. Great customer support, looks great, thriving. This is one to keep an eye on without a doubt.

Efty needs you to work harder to direct your own traffic to your domain, else rely on specific keyword searches. There’s no commission but they charge monthly. Great interface.


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