Every Narrative Used By The Corporate Media Has Proven To Be False

Every Narrative Used By The Corporate Media Has Proven To Be False

As a bigger group, we early investigators and knowledgeable conservatives had been proper in regards to the Russia-Collusion rip-off. We had been proper in regards to the Carter Page FISA rip-off. We had been proper in regards to the Steele Dossier rip-off. We had been proper in regards to the Alfa Bank rip-off. We had been proper about FBI Leadership, DNC & John Brennan being consummate liars. We had been proper about all of it. We had been proper about lockdowns. We had been proper in regards to the vaccine. We had been proper about masks. We had been proper about Hunter’s laptop computer. We had been proper about FBI election interference. We had been proper about Democrat election interference. We had been proper about Twitter suppression.

Every narrative set by the Corporate Media has confirmed to be false. Every single one which we are able to consider. And that features January 6th as effectively. Corporate Media is an extension of the Intelligence Community. And they don’t even trouble to cover it any extra. Hillary’s electronic mail server. Impending doom from “Global Warming”. Government spending & Inflation. Critical Race Theory. Cultural Marxism. Anthony Fauci. The Intelligence Community. The World Health Organization. We may proceed this listing advert infinitum. We had been proper. And they weren’t simply unsuitable. They deliberately lied with the intention to cover the reality. In this episode of Truth Over News we’re going to have a look at 4 of the largest narrative cover-ups as there are far too many to cowl in a single episode.

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