How to access an HTML webpage on top of a content management system? – Server Config – SitePoint Forums

How to access an HTML webpage on top of a content management system? – Server Config – SitePoint Forums

I’ve a working Drupal 9 web site.

I put an HTML file on a Drupal web site’s listing:

<code> a look at.html

When I attempt to access it from browser I get a Drupal not discovered 404 web page telling me that this webpage doesn’t exist.

But, it does exist, I can access it from an SFTP shopper.

How might I make it accessible from browsers as-is (i.e. not as a Drupal webpage)?
A broader query is how to access an HTML webpage on top of a content management system?

What webserver are you working and will you present us its configuration please?

I host my web site on shared internet hosting ( Namecheap).
As far as I do know they use Apache (Litespeed? and Nginx).
I don’t have any access to the online server configuration.

I take advantage of the native .htaccess shipped with Drupal (I didn’t change something there).

I found out the issue.

The net utility root is
When I moved the HTML file from to I might access it from a net browser with out drawback.

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